Larry Summers Hysteria Still Lingers

Article here. Excerpt:

"What did Summers, a distinguished economist and a liberal Democrat who served in the Clinton administration, do to deserve such obloquy? In 2005, he suggested that it's worth researching whether, among other factors, innate differences between men and women may play a role in the greater prominence of men in the sciences -- a hypothesis that has some support in the relevant scientific literature.

Summers desperately tried to make amends, issuing an abject apology for even raising the subject. Nevertheless, and despite strong support for him among Harvard students, he was drummed out of the Harvard presidency by the Cambridge academic equivalent of a lynch mob.

Apparently his sins against feminist orthodoxy were so grave that he's still not welcome to give so much as a dinner speech to the UC Board of Regents more than two years later."

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This is an excellent brief piece about how the dominance of feminism and the multi-cultural "diversity" / P.C. fascists have corrupted higher education.

But to understand how things got this bad in academia, you have to deal with the tyranny of tenure.

Tenure is the Holy Grail for all academics, because once awarded it means you cannot be fired. (One might also argue that it means you are never again held accountable for your performance... but that's too complicated for a brief post here.)

The Duke 88 faculty who wrote that vile letter condemning the innocent young men in the lacrosse rape case were all either tenured or seeking it.

The quest for tenure turns honest scholars into obsequious servants of the status quo, because the path to tenure is "just don't rock the boat." (And the boat is 100% feminist-P.C.)

Tenure produces a systemic distortion of academia that guarantees the antithesis of free thought, honest scholarship, and respect for the democratic diversity of perspectives.

It is a system based on fear and coercion.

Larry Summers cannot give a dinner speech not because no one would like to hear him speak, but because they are afraid that to hear him speak would symbolize their failure of submission to P.C.-ness.

And these fearful fools are the leaders of our much-celebrated world's No. 1 higher education system!

Just another joke played on the American sheeple...

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While it is true that liberals, lefties and feminists have a stranglehold on academia, p.c. fascism can come from the right too; for example the article mentions the Cheriminsky case. It seems people enjoy being fascists these days.


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I agree that there are some problems with the system, but whether or not one has tenure has little or nothing to do with the PC orthodoxy in academia. Conformity and fear of being called a racist or homophobe or a misogynist...or ? (the intolerance of the pc crowd) and the lack of committment to free speech and free academic inquiry are the problem. This problem exists with or without tenure.

Besides, the principle of tenure is a noble one. Now we just need more Larry Summers to keep speaking out...

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Gracie -- "I agree that there are some problems with the system, but whether or not one has tenure has little or nothing to do with the PC orthodoxy in academia."

Dear, you are 100% incorrect.

Tenure is at the heart of academic corruption.

Please interrogate your own logic and post your conclusions.

Just take your own point of view, reverse it, and then write... why it might be incorrect.

Very few females can accomplish this feat of simple Socratic logic.

I have faith that you can...

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Welcome to the board gracie:)

Even if these professors did not have such a thing as tenure, what would they be let go for? Being radicals? It is far more likely that a conservative would be pressured out of an institution (actually I think that's already happened quite a number of times).


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...It's time to start rewarding colleges that keep feminist (agit-prop) to at least a subtle hum!!...

Our universities embrasing of feminist propaganda is quite sickening..and were starting to see the resulting anti-male hysteria..and un-equal protection under the law because of it.. the non-stop everywhere you turn (agit-prop) causes lynche Klans!!

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