Fear of a female planet

Essay here. Excerpt:

'The baby-girl boom is being blamed on the high levels of estrogen-mimicking, man-made chemicals in Inuit mothers' blood. Scientists found that the higher the amount of chemicals such as PCBs, flame retardants and DDT in an Inuit woman's blood, the fewer boys she gave birth to, suggesting that hormone-mimicking chemicals are triggering sex changes during the first three weeks of pregnancy. It was also discovered that boys who are born in Russian Arctic villages suffer from being underweight and premature.'

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Take a look around at people who are having kids and you'll find plenty of all-girl broods. I know a man from college who has just had daughter #3, out of 3. Two other couples with two each, all girls. Another friend from college has between him and his wife and their exes, 5 kids: 4 girls, one boy. I know of only one couple to produce two boys, and another produced one, an "only child".

So this is all anecdotal, you say? Yes, it is. But this isn't:

Trend Analysis of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the United States (.pdf file)

Are chemicals behind drop in boys' birth rate?
Boys outnumber girls, women outnumber men

Feminists hopping with glee at the prospect they will get their prayed-for 10-1 ratio of females to males should think twice. As these concentrations build further, girls will also be sacrificed on the alter of modern chemistry. An excess of substances such as the ones causing a relative increase in female births as well as a higher percentage of miscarriages will start to take their toll not just on would-be male foetuses but female ones as well. Conclusion: Maybe the Amish are on to something.

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