Police officer berates and threatens young man - caught on camera

Look at this, will you. Do you suppose for even one second that had the young man been either female or a few years older that this officer (a sergeant, no less) would have behaved this way? And to think, we can elect representatives and all, and still, this happens. Notice how he taunts him with such phrases as "young boy"? Can you imagine him calling a woman a "young girl" like that? Never.

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He lies about the boy not using his turn signal while it is clear that he used it both turns when entering the parking lot. The young man was nothing but cooperative with the officer. Reminds me of the police in my area. Hell, the police in every town I have ever lived.

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unfortunatelly it seems alot of officers of the law these days aren't very good at objective critical thinking...and are quite subject to the protect female only mentality (hysteria) that pervades U.S. culture!!
I'ts almost Klan like!!, and all the "good" people are in on it!!

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I have lived in many places as well and have yet to find a town or city where the cops would not pull crap like this on a regular basis.

Cops are every bit as bad as the crime they fight because NO ONE holds them accountable for their actions except in extremely rare instances like this.

I am hopeful that in this new surveillance age more and more people start doing like this young man and recording interactions with the police because their cruiser cams are exclusively for their protection and just like the young man said, the tape from the cops cruiser of that night is 'missing'. In other words if he didn't have his own recording, the cops recording would never have come out.

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Make no mistake about it. We live in an age of surveillance. We are told it is for our safety. But in fact it is for nothing more than the protection of the state. Big Brother say what? 1984 anyone?

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If CNN wants a story, they can follow me around for a while.

I'm only 20 years old, and several times already, I've had cops search my car, make me do field sobriety tests, etc, etc. I know it's profiling and it should be illegal, but what can a young man do about it?

Nothing, because nobody cares.

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But I still have faith that change will come. Cops/the Government have bitten off way more then they can chew and it really is only a matter of time before it blows up in their faces.

The people will always put the government back in check, it's just sad that it has to get to the point of terrorism and revolution for it to happen.

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