Video: Fathers4Justice, CRISPE and Equal Parenting Bike Trek Swarm a PA Courthouse

Fathers4Justice, CRISPE and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Crew visited a PA Courthouse to spread awareness of a child's fundamental right to be loved, guided, nurtured and educated by both fit and willing parents.

The Parent-Child Relationship is a fundamental right that MUST be protected at all costs!

View this "in your face" style video now on YouTube.

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//The Parent-Child Relationship is a fundamental right that MUST be protected at all costs!

Why these costs of "protecting Parent-Child Relationship" are proposed to be paid by all men, and not only fathers of those children?

When daughter-owners don't have problems with their wives - they are convinced supporters of all kinds of men's discrimination. When they have family problems - they begin to speak about unfairness of system and discrimination of fathers and men.

I personally don't give a shit for helping them to solve their family problems.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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The video has good editing. They've taken a so-so protest turnout and made it look more respectable with video editing and music.

I didn't see much (if anything) on the signs about the underlying causes that have these people protesting for shared parenting - like gender feminist bias, domestic violence laws, anti-Father/anti-male women's studies courses, wide-spread, institutionalized misandry, chivalrous male judges, etc., etc.

A house that is structurally defective may be repaired, but until the underlying (foundational) problems are remedied the damage will only recur, again, and again, and again...

All the same, it's a free country and if they wish to protest a certain aspect of the gender feminist problem, more power to them. If every male who's been hate victimized by a gender feminist agenda item would go out on the street and protest that specific issue, it would be a good thing overall for all of us, IMO.

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