Woman who wasn't allowed to use the word "Rape" in courtroom sues judge

Story here.

Insisting that she has "First Amendment" rights in the courtroom, a Nebraska woman sues a judge who barred the word "Rape" at trial. There has already been two mistrials in this case. We'll just have to see if feminist protesters with tape on their mouths decide the outcome of this rape case, instead of the facts themselves. Can someone tell me why she just won't describe to the jury what happened? Why is it so important to her to use inflammatory remarks? Excerpt:

'LINCOLN, Neb. -- The 24-year-old woman at the center of a sexual assault case has sued the judge who barred the word "rape" and other words from being used during the trial.

Tory Bowen said in the complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Lincoln that Lancaster County District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront violated her First Amendment right to free speech.'

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"Pamir Safi, 33, was charged with first-degree sexual assault after a 2004 encounter in which he says he and Bowen had consensual sex. Bowen, a former University of Nebraska-Lincoln student, said she was too intoxicated to give consent."

Too drunk? She's a victim of her own lack of self control. These bogus rape charges against men based on intoxication are ubsurd. If I leave a bar drunk and get a DWI, can I blame the booze? "Officer, I'm too drunk to know what I'm doing".

Maybe I should rob a bank after drinking a bottle of whiskey. I would tell the judge "I was too drunk to know right from wrong".

Let this woman say what she wants in court. Either way she should look up one important word: ACCOUNTABILITY!


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...it would probably say right in the definition that this is word is a male only trait.

Your examples do not really apply to the line of thinking that says booze = inability to consent to sexual activity.

You see, because if you look up consent in a sexual context you will find that it is only females who are capable of it.

The thinking goes, just as if you were to drunk to drive but did it anyway, you still drove and must pay. Or if you robbed a bank while drunk, well, you still robbed a bank. If you as a male have sex while drunk, well you sex with a female and according to feminists that's rape, plus you were drunk so that counts against you to.

On the other hand, and remember, all heterosexual sex with a woman is considered rape by feminists (who essentially make the laws regarding sex), but consent is like volunteering to be raped and does not carry a particular punishment for the man. Now, since drunkenness takes away a womans ability to give the man a rape pass (consent) then the man is as guilty as if he did anything else he shouldn't have done while drunk.

So remember fellas, before you engage in sex, make sure you have a pocket card scanner (they retail for about $100 at your local business supply store) to scan at least two pieces of id to cover you on the age thing and to attempt to determine is she is genuinely who she claims to be and not some serial false accuser who goes by different names around London - as Mr Warren Blackwell about this type - a Breathalyzer to determine that she has 0.00 blood alcohol because unlike the legal driving limit there has yet to be any recognized legal consent limit set so if she's so mush as used Listerine that mourning, don't chance it because even if you are certain that she is stone sober there is nothing stopping her from saying she wasn't sober to the police so make her blow breath test before she blows you. You will also need as well, a written consent form acknowledging not only that she gives you consent to sexual relations but also that she both gave consent to the Breathalyzer test and agrees with the results, and swears to the validity of the documentation she provided. Have it drawn up by a good lawyer and every time you have sex or think you might have sex get it signed in triplicate to give one copy to the police/local prosecutor, one to your lawyer and keep one for your records in case on or the other copy is lost or destroyed.

Remember, she doesn't need proof for anything she claims, but you need to prove every single thing you say beyond a reasonable doubt.

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...Rape is the lynch card...she has to play it, or else the courts will find out she's lying!!

The feminist Klan rules through rape hysteria!!

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If you reverse the sexes of the parties involved, the absurdness is almost comical:

1. I go to a party and get really sloppy-pissed.
2. Ugly/fat girl see me, and notices that I'm sloppy-pissed.
3. She thinks she can FINALLY get a reasonably nice looking guy into the sack, and she makes a pass.
4. Since I'm wearing beer-goggles while sloppy-pissed, I say, "fer sher hon....burp..."
5. We go to my room and make the beast with two backs, then drift off to sleep.
6. Sun rises. I see she is indeed ugly/fat. Or just generally a skank.
8. I scream my head off in shame.
7. To hide my shame and bad judgement and to preserve my honor, I run to the cops and tell them that I was raped.

I'd be falling off my friggin chair laughing if the reality of the accusation wasn't so scary.

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