RADAR ALERT: Tell Your Representative, Stop the False Accusations, Stop HRES 590!

"... there is no other court in the land where the penalty for perjury does not exist - you can lie repeatedly and not only NOT be punished for it, but actually be rewarded for it. There is no other court where you are presumed guilty until proven innocent. And for non-custodial parents...especially fathers...going through a divorce...and the never-ending litany of custody issues and all the rest that goes with it...it can feel like eternal damnation."

So says a father of two from New Jersey, who has undergone an ordeal in which he was verbally abused by a judge, physically accosted by police officers, criticized by child welfare officials, shown the door by school administrators, and even turned away by life-long friends.

Situations such as this will be perpetuated by House Resolution 590. It allows for the continued abuse of domestic violence laws, creating a dynamic in which allegations are made solely for the purpose of obtaining an advantage in litigation.

Last week we asked you to contact Rep. George Miller, chairman of the Education and Labor Committee. This week, we're asking you to contact your own Representative and politely ask him or her to say "NO" to HRES 590.

To locate your Representative, go to http://www.house.gov/. At the top, enter your Zip code and look up your Representative's name, then go to the Representative's website. Or call the Capitol Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121.

Then leave this message with the Representative's staff: "It's time to stop the false allegations of domestic violence. Say 'No' to HRES 590!"

For further information on House Resolution 590 see http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARanalysis-HRES590.pdf.

Date of RADAR Release: September 10, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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Here's what I sent. Please copy and/or change as you like.

It's time to stop the false allegations of domestic violence. Say 'No' to HRES 590!

I am writing to voice my opposition to HRES 590. This resolution is based on false and misleading information. An analysis of inaccuracies in HRES 590 can be found here:


The American Psychiatric Association recently released new information showing that women actually initiate domestic violence at a higher rate than men do:


The good people of America are continuing to become more and more aware of the corruption that has permeated the domestic violence industry for years. Let the U.S. government begin to remove the false and misleading information from the domestic violence arena - say no to HRES 590. The false accusations, spawned by corrupt domestic violence law, has harmed, or ruined, the lives of many innocent Americans and will never be forgotten.

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Actually, it is a major mistake of MRA activists that they constantly mix up men's and fathers' issues. Interests of single men and married men (especially fathers) often are mutually exclusive.

Remember: the social group "fathers" includes the group "fathers of daughters". And daughter-owners is the main enemy of men. What is bad for daughter-owners is bad for feminism.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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"Interests of single men and married men (especially fathers) often are mutually exclusive. "

How, pray tell, are they "mutually exclusive"??


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Never forget that simply because a man has a child (even a female) he is no less of a man. In fact. I feel that often we owe them more time and attention as so many fathers need to be educated on true facts and figures when it comes to such mens issues as DV, child abuse, rape. Because most men spend their days being wage slaves they only get the information spoon feed to them by wives, and females in their lives with their own interests in mind. One major issue we as men have is opening lines of communication with our own. We are ALL men FIRST and fathers, husbands, leaders 2nd.

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If you don't understand why the society ruled by men discriminates men, then you need to think a bit longer how basic interests of different groups of men can radically differ.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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I agree, But lets see if we can get you to wrap your brain around this idea. Feminism did not get to where it is at by alienating other women who did not fit the feminist ideal. They got what they wanted by "educating" other females to think how they do. Now if we turned that around and start to educate fathers, not with false facts and tainted statistics, we would have more allies than enemies in fathers all over the globe. I'm not in this to fight with you over the question of "are fathers issues mens issues" and the other way around. I am here to talk to everyone about uniting men as a gender, not a sub-category.

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I am here to talk to everyone about uniting men as a gender

I think such uniting is impossible and because of this I'm not going to "wrap your brain" around any idea.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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OK, thanks.

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1) Society is not "ruled by men"
2) I did not say that men don't contribute to the problem.
3) You still have not answered my question. (I suspect that you don't know what "mutually exclusive" means).


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"1) Society is not "ruled by men"
2) I did not say that men don't contribute to the problem.
3) You still have not answered my question. (I suspect that you don't know what "mutually exclusive" means)."

QFT!!! HaHa, well done ax!!

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I copied the one at the bottom. Not sure if it will help because rep. woolsey is endorsed by feminists.

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