Male bar patrons to get urinal cake message

Story here. Excerpt:

'The effort is aimed at men ages 21 to 34, who are the most common offenders.

Male patrons will receive the following message from a female voice:

“"Hey big guy, going out tonight? Having a few drinks? Make sure if you’re drinking, you find a sober driver. Because if you drink and drive, the next urinal you use could be in jail. Remember, your future is in your hand.”"'

Related: Video: Urinals will warn against drunken driving

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Well, it would have a lot of reverb....

Think about it.

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is that pretty much every news item I have seen on this at least makes some reference to something equivalent being needed for the ladies' thrones.

Also, I have yet to hear anyone talk about the supposed higher rate of men's impaired driving (when really it should be higher rate of being punished for impaired driving).

Gotta take the good when it comes.

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This reminds me of something I saw outside of my house the other night. A girl, (shocked I know) had slammed her car into the sign of the Frat house across the street. When the cops came, they are only a half a block away, they pulled this girl that could not be any older than 20 out of the car. She was so far under the influence she could hardly stand. Did they toss the cuffs on her? Take her to the ground? Put her in the back of the black and white? Nope, they gave her the officers phone to call daddy to come and pick her up. These are the reasons why statistics are stacked against men. We do not get cut breaks, no one calls our daddies when we do something bad. When I called the station the next day to state my outrage that they let a drunk driver go with nothing more than a warning. I was told there was nothing they could do because there was no report on such an incident and I had no names or badge numbers of the offending officers. Man, I wish I had a Pussy Pass!!!

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