Nifong Turns in License

Story here. Excerpt:

'AUGUST 15--In a pathetic end to the Mike Nifong saga, the disgraced North Carolina prosecutor who handled the Duke rape investigation has turned in his law license, noting that he never framed or displayed the document because it had been damaged "by a puppy in her chewing stage."'

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he put those boys thru emotional hell or worse for 1 year.
seems he should do some time for that.
and the whore/stripper should as well.

oregon dad

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What's really sad is that even though this case included a large cast of villains, Nifong seems to be the only person who has been punished. So far Duke faculty members (the Gang of 88), Crystal Gail Mangum--the false accuser, the Durham Police Department, Duke's president, the local "Crimestoppers", and defamatory media commentators have yet to be punished.

Hopefully the revenge lawsuits--the revenge and justice aspects of the case--will commence soon. However, it has been suggested that Duke's (presumably eight figure) settlement with the three families of the three main victims may have included a clause that they wouldn't sue anyone just to keep the story out of the media. Of course, the University would have had to pay for that clause.

I sure hope that they received a ton of money from Duke University, but I wish that they would mercilessly and ruthlessly pursue all of the other villains in the name of justice.

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If you think about all the millions of dollars that were generated, spent, and garnished (mostly by lawyers, but also by mass media, and now by the "real victims")--

you have to marvel at how one poor black stripper desperate to make a few hundred dollars became a capitalistic engine of profit for so many (mostly) white people!

One dumb frat boy party became a cash windfall in the millions for almost everyone concerned.

And it's not over yet.

America has always had one great genius.

The ability to turn vice into profits!

Prohibition? Prostitution? The War on Drugs?
The War on ... pick any enfeebled Third World country?

One must ask the logical question --

"Who is doing what to whom, and how many times?"

Look for heroes at your peril...

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No, it was not the puppy chewing the license that caused it to become damaged and unusable. It was the vicious, unprincipled, hypocritical, lying scumbag whose name appeared on it who achieved that distinction.

One more question: just how did this toad get the license in the first place? Exactly how adept a liar do you have to prove yourself to be, to what depths of unethical behaviour do you have to plummet, and how much bigoted prejudice do you need to display, in order to obtain such a license? Do you actually have to know any law at all?

The misspelling of Nifong's middle name was not the only thing he didn't notice before it was too late. He didn't notice that the Duke boys were innocent either. Maybe he should have been a damned sight more attentive all round, and he might not have ended up where he is now - a byword for shame and hypocrisy with his career and name in tatters.

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The focus should not be on the cheap opportunist Nifong. The focus should be on the North Carolina legislature and the laws they pass preventing something like this happening again. So far I haven't heard a peep out of them!

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No doubt Nifong deserves to lose his license at the very least for actively perpetuating the lie told by the stripper.

But the legislature has made him the fall guy in order to maintain the status quo. Nifong's gone, problem solved is the attitude.

I agree that's completely wrong, but that's the way it is until people start demanding that lying whores like Crystal Magnum be held accountable, and laws changed back to the innocent until proven (as in crimes require evidence to prosecute) guilty model.

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I believe Nifong has paid a price for his deceit, the accuser has not. Cry-stal Magnum has Not been held accountable. In ancient times she would have been stoned to death. This seems a bit harsh. However, slapping a felony charge on her and putting her in jail for one year and making her register as a “felony false accuser” would be appropriate. This new “felony false accuser” registry would have a website with all the names and addresses of all false accusers. Hoist the Jib!!

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Registries were, are and always will be a bad idea and against the principals that Canada and the United States were founded on. We need to get rid of the ones we've already got, not make more. EVERYONE deserves a second chance if they commit a crime that allows them to get out of prison withing their lifetime. Did the time, paid your debt. None of this well some people might commit new crimes in the future so we'd better never stop punishing them to ensure that they never ever get a chance to build a normal life and do in fact commit more crimes because they didn't have the chance to make a decent person out of themselves after they completed their sentence.

Registry = Fear mongering scare tactic
= Ex post facto punishment
= Self fulfilling prophecy due to ex post facto
= false sense of security for people who think
strangers commit sex crimes
= Huge cash windfall for law enforcement, justice
system and all contractors of the

Registry does not = crime prevention tool. It has
absolutely zero ability to PREVENT a
crime and in fact it most likely
CREATES more crime

Plus, eye for an eye justice is not, never has been, and never will be the way to go about correcting wrongs. Just because feminists and their lapdogs created registries for men, does not mean we should promote the same for them. It was a bad idea when they though of it and our continuation of that bad idea will make nothing better for anyone.

Otherwise, I agree Nifong's career is ruined, he's not able to hurt anyone anymore, maybe seizing his assets to pay back the damage he has done over the years would be nice but, he's paid a high price.

I also agree that criminal charges should be brought against the liar Crystal Magnum. But that will never happen because that might deter future false accusers from bringing charges and contributing to the HUGE CASH WINDFALL that sex crimes are for law enforcement, the justice system and all contractors of the aforementioned.

Nifong was doing EXACTLY what the justice system wanted him to do, it's just that in that one rare case - where the 3 accused had millions of dollars to fight the charges, the railroad men directly into prison scheme was exposed. So to cover up the operation again and keep people from looking further, the system labeled Nifong a "rouge prosecutor" even though he was anything but and called it a day.

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She should get the sentence handed down to rapists in the US as should all when they are proven (in court) to have lied.

Regardless of weather he was part of a much large system, he in my mind is a traitor. He deserved everything that has come to him and then some.

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My post was to expose the hypocrisy of these registries, I’m not advocating them. A registry is a life sentence. The legal system is handing out life sentences for sex and DV and letting female murders do little or no time. What these females fail to realize is that by not understanding what justice is, or being unable to comprehend it, and therefore NOT standing up for it, they are doing themselves, and future generations a disservice. They are only fueling the fires of inequality which will eventually come back to bite them. When the winds of change switch directions and burn them, they might change their minds. What they fail to realize is that the people who do not stand up against these inequities are not their friends. These same people will not stand up against inequities when the fire is burning in the other direction.
Hoist the JIB!!!!

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...what you fail to see is that the men on this site for the most part still pander to women. There are a few men here that don't put up with female misandrists' bullshit but for the most part the menhere are still seeking approval from women. That's why they don't want women held accountable for what they do. They will argue you down when it comes to demanding that women receive the same fucked up treatment that men receive for the same crimes and at the same time claim they are pro-male.

Honestly very FEW men are pro-male today. Most men are just mad because they are getting the short end of the stick and wish women would start "treating them like men" again. The problem with that notion is it still makes you a simpering sambo that does anything to look good for women. In order to truly win rights for men you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. The biggest step is being willing to say "fuck women I am worried about men" because women are NOT worried about men they only worry about women. If men don't start pushing women's concerns to the side and stepping up to the plate for MEN ONLY this current paradigm will continue to reign supreme.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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You are correct MrReality; there are many cuntworshipers out there. They are almost as bad as the feminists. These Pandering pussies (or lady boys) need to become men. Do you know of any better blogs? Hoist the JIB!!!

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Much better than this site. Completely pro-male.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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Please point me to your posts in other forums or websites where you have argued so eloquently against registries for men.

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