RADAR Alert: Attend the Pro-Family Rally on the DC Mall August 18-19

RADAR will be participating in an important pro-family rally at the DC Mall on August 18th and 19th. Advocates from many kinds of religious and secular organizations will be speaking at the rally on topics such as marriage, shared parenting, divorce, and social policy reforms.

Domestic violence continues to be an important social problem. The existing gender-based approach to domestic violence has failed to impact domestic violence trends because VAWA does not address violence or its causes. It funds radical organizations who devote substantial resources to covering-up for women's violence, shifting blame for it onto men, and mischaracterizing minor disagreements among couples as serious domestic violence.

An authoritative array of studies report that men and women are equal instigators of domestic violence. And many experts believe that government-funded intervention in minor family disputes is actually quite destructive. VAWA must be reformed to recognize these facts, to take appropriate steps to prevent serious domestic violence while appropriately penalizing the party who initiates it regardless of gender, and also to guarantee that minor disagreements among couples are not treated as serious domestic violence.

This may be the most important policy reform rally ever held on the Mall. RADAR invites the organizations in the VAWA Reform Coalition and others to attend. For the latest information about the rally, please visit http://www.dcrally2007.com/.

See You There!

Date of RADAR Release: August 13, 2007

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/

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