Great News/Advance in Australia!

Snip 'not worth cost' -- CIRCUMCISION will be banned in Victorian public hospitals unless it is for medical reasons. The State Government has ordered the ban, which starts next month, following medical advice that circumcision of baby boys was unnecessary."

Our victory is inevitable, because truth, reason, and justice are all on our side.

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Comments was banned for the wrong reasons. The article doesn't mention the bad effects of the mutilation with a single word.
A real victory would be if it was outlawed for being a human rights violation.

This is better than nothing, of course.

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Yup, hell must be freezing over!

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I don't know how this system works, but it sounds like these are public hospitals, probably with little or no money needing to be paid by the patients. I think this ban does infact go a step more than just being for the wrong reasons. If it were purely money based they would have just made patients pay for it out of pocket.

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The readers would be aghast, if the same wording was used for an article about ending female genital mutilation.

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Or does it seem like the main reason they're doing this is to save money? Sounds like that same old, "all this money shouldn't be going towards just males" mentality.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they banned circumcision. Even if they're doing it for the wrong reasons, at least they're no longer publicly mutilating our sons. It's about time we gained some ground in that fight.

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Maybe they are doing for the right reasons, but in order for men to gain any ground they must convert it into a non-male issue. If I was a politician in a western country, I would strive for men's rights, but I know it would be political suicide to go at it directly. If more gains are made for Aussie men under the reasons of money or even women, that's probably what's going on.

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I must confess I would probably take a very similar approach to the issues of men's rights. Getting elected and being too forthright on one's stance on men's issues is likely to be like shooting yourself in the foot, it would be difficult to make ANY advance at all for men.

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