Daughter Accused in NYC Genital-Mutilation Death

Story here. Excerpt:

'Even for seasoned detectives, the crime scene in an apartment last weekend was horrific: A man, gagged and handcuffed, had been killed and his penis was cut off.

Investigators believe the suspect, Brigitte Harris, "did it," said a law enforcement official. "We are trying to determine why."

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because Harris had not been arrested or charged, said police were checking reports that Goodridge, 55, may have abused Harris as a child. Detectives were hoping to question the 26-year-old suspect at a hospital mental ward where she was admitted after the slaying, the law enforcement official said.'

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In another case a 13-yo girl killed her father by shooting in his face with a shotgun while he was asleep.


Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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We all know, as the media and various "expert" psychologists tell us, that if a woman suffers even one incidence of "abuse" as a child, such as her 3-year-old fourth cousin touching her pants leg momentarilty..we all know the result: a pre-programmed zombie, a veritable automaton, without conscious or conscience; who periodically when stimulated by an external source, such as by the sight of a man physically resembling the aforementioned cousin, goes into a blinding uncontrollable act of rage, overtaken as if by a Force Majeure, and commits these acts of torture and dismemberment.

In other words, she won't do one fuckin' minute of hard time.


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If women are such defective and psychopathic creatures, it better to replace them then with artificial human-cloning apparatuses. As soon as possible.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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Because of exactly that.

In other news this bitch is already claiming daddy started fucking her at age 3 until she was an adult. She claims she lured him to her apartment with the promise of sex in order to slaughter him. You know, cause calling the cops and filing a police report would have been to much trouble when she could just kill him herself.

On the other hand, she may have thought up the sexual abuse after she killed him as an alibi. Maybe she wanted him to sexually abuse her (like Mr. Garrison in the 'brown note' episode of South Park) after she heard that sexual abuse was rampant and he refused and so she killed him.

Or, maybe she was just having trouble coping with life and her therapist told her she was sexually abused as a child and so she decided to seek revenge for her newly "recovered" (implanted) memories.

All utter speculation of course, but I'm certainly not going to buy her 'abuse excuse' hook line and sinker without so much as a single shred of proof other then the fact that she sexually assaulted her father either before or after killing him by mutilating his genitals.

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Okay guys -- this is going to sound barbaric, but this sort of crime drives me to an unfathomable rage! Men are just going to have to start inflicting genital injury for genital injury because the law does not punish women reasonably for committing brutal acts of sexual violence on men. They usually try to blame the male victim for the woman committing such an act against him -- something they would NEVER do if the situation were in reverse.

I've already told my brothers and male friends that if any woman ever does this to them, she'd better hope she is incarcerated for a very long time because if she isn't, I'll be preparing my own brutal justice ... and waiting -- and yes, I will inflict savage and shockingly brutal genital mutilations on her to give her a vicious dose of her own poison. They vowed to do likewise on my behalf. If the law doesn't take such an act seriously and does not want to punish women (or men) thoroughly for committing such atrocious acts of sexual violence against men, then men will have to render their own justice. Genital injury for genital injury!

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"Men are just going to have to start inflicting genital injury for genital injury .."

Give me a break. That is not the answer to anything.


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You can be the benevolent sheep and do you do what you wish; I'll do what I wish. If a woman EVER inflicts this injury on any of my brothers or male friends, I'll hunt her down myself and tear her genitals to shreds in return! I don't care what you, society, or the laws says. I hate this crime, and anyone perpetrating this crime, with more hatred than can be imagined! I am executing genital injury for genital injury!

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Then you can go to prison and get your anus torn up. As an individual, everyone "reaps what he sows", even in the gender wars..


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If I had to avenge such a crime and ended up going to prison, I can safely say that if prisoners learned why I did it they would not be too opposed to my brutal retaliation because many of them hate the act of deliberately inflicted male genital injury just as much as I do, especially under the terms in this article. In fact, a guy I knew from school went to prison because he cut off his girlfriend's breasts and burned them after she'd kicked him between the legs during an argument. Most of the guys he was in prison with found out about it and said "they understood" why he did it, and so none of them really bothered him about it.

... But just in case your supposition is correct, know this -- I can handle myself quite well! There's hardly anything a prisoner can do -- or better yet -- ATTEMPT to do to me that I cannot handle. I've been trained in several forms of martial arts, some of which include militant-style combative fighting, plus I know people or "have connections;" so, it would take quite a bit from them to put me down. I guarantee you ... almost 100% ... that no one would "tear up my anus."

As far as you comment goes, you can choke to death on it! Everyone DOES NOT reap what they sow. Some of the most savage and sadistic killers who have tortured and slaughtered hapless victims were put to death with a simple lethal injection -- a form of death far less brutal than the deaths they exacted. Also, your logic is flawed. If you're going to hold to the "reap what you sow" principle, then wouldn't it be logical to conclude that if a woman gets her genitals torn to shreds for inflicting genital injury on a man, she is reaping what she has sown? Why throw that in my face and not to the woman in the article who committed this act against her own father?

Judging by your defensive reproaching of my comment, I suspect that you are protecting these disgusting women who commit these atrocious acts of sexual violence against men, so maybe you need a woman to cut off your penis and testicles and torture you into eating it. Then force a twelve gauge shot gun in YOUR anus (since you want to talk about tearing up anuses) and pull the trigger. If you live, maybe then you'd see this issue differently; if you don't, then to hell with you!

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You sound like a dork troll. Enough.


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Or extremely delusional. Crazy revenge fantasies and torture fantasies. Odd that CNN did not catch wind of his 'friend' who apparently mutilated a woman. Seems odd that no one's head that story in the United States of FEMerica.

Whatever, he's a little comic relief, nothing more and no one will ever take him seriously here.

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First, I never stated that the guy who did this was my 'friend.' I said he was a guy I knew from school. Second, this incident happened a while ago and just because it didn't make CNN news doesn't mean it didn't happen. Not all news makes national news. There was recently an incident in which two boys, ages nine (at the time he committed the act) and eleven, raped a five-year-old girl. I don't remember seeing that on CNN or any other national news. If you think I'm 'delusional' and made that up, here's the story here: http://www.wsaz.com/home/headlines/8423287.html

There was another story in which a group of boys between the ages of 14 and 18 raped and tortured a woman, then forced her twelve-year-old son to have sex with her at gunpoint. I don't remember seeing that in national news. Story here: http://bob.wjla.com/headlines/0707/437216.html.

As far as the 'crazy' crack goes -- yes, I DO become 'crazy' when a vicious crime like this is committed and THE VICTIM IS BLAMED FOR HAVING THE ACT COMMITTED AGAINST HIM. On average, I am not this violent, but when it comes to something like this I am ... and with NO regrets.

As for men's issues -- I'm finished with it. You guys do whatever you want. Either way it goes, you'll never make anything better for boys and men. Maybe a few weak improvements, but nothing substantial. All the 'whining' you've done really hasn't gotten you anywhere.

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...because your proposed methods will not solve anything, they'll only make the current situation worse. More men in prison and all men in general painted as evil monsters.

Two wrongs have yet to make things right.

You think you can do it all by your self, fine, go ahead. But you'll end up in prison, learn that no amount of martial arts training will help you when you get jumped by ten guys, and you'll just be another statistic.

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If women are such defective and psychopathic creatures, it better to replace them then with artificial human-cloning apparatuses. As soon as possible.

Here we go again...

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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