National Post Editorial: Why men earn more

Article here. Excerpt:

'When activists want to make the case that their society is riddled with sexism, the first statistic they typically serve up is the one comparing earnings: In most Western countries, working women earn significantly less than working men.
The idea that factors other than discrimination drive pay discrepancy got a boost this week from across the Atlantic. On Wednesday, the European Commission released a new report showing that, despite Europe's progressive politics and famously intrusive workplace regulations, women still earn 15% less than men on average -- virtually unchanged from the 17% figure of 1997.'

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All the tax-payer money in the world can't force women to work the jobs men do (more dangerous, travel, etc) or the hours which they do them. Hence, there will always be a "pay gap" when averaged (never averaged brick-for-brick mind you).

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"the European Commission report advocates more intrusive measures to force employers to pay women more"

This is another example of how incredibly contorted the logic can get. It is like when they get rid of men's teams to implement Title IX; and how they all but force women to go into the sciences and engineering, even though it is obvious at this point that they simply are not as interested in these fields as men.


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The current generation Acura RDX (Honda made a huge deal of this when the car [truck?] was introduced) is the only car in history to ever have had a woman as the lead engineer on the project. A woman engineered one car out of the tens of thousands that have existed, that's got to count as AT LEAST as equal to the contributions to automotive engineering that men have made. Oh, and as far as automotive innovations goes, it was a woman who invented the windshield wiper. Definitely equal to the invention of the internal combustion engine.

See, women are interested, it's just that men oppress them so much!

Stop oppressing women so we can have more ugly ass small crossover vehicles that lack the utility of a truck or even a large sedan but yet somehow manage to drink as much gas as a 1/2 ton pickup.

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imo, all SUVs are useless. no matter who designs them.

anything they can do, a full-size sedan most likely can.

and if you actually have 7 people to transport, minivans are probably cheaper.

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Everytime a man buys a drink that the woman exploited from him and accepts it is oppression of women. Everytime women get butt naked in front of a camera for money it is not the woman who got butt naked that is wrong it is the MAN behind the camera who is "exploiting" her! The CEO of Playboy(whom owns dozens of the porn sites online)--who is a woman--is being "exploited" into making millions off of the porn industry-- which she helped build btw(It's Hugh Hefner's daughter I believe)--that women are being "exploited" by.

Women should be able to strip down, get paid, then later when they decide they don't want the pornstar image they created claim they are being "exploited" and have their employer pay them ONCE AGAIN through lawsuits. That is a woman's version of equality.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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Heff does not have much of a business role in the company any more, he is more of an advertising tool. The company still uses him like a mascot to sell the image but he hasn't run the business in a couple decades.

BTW, Playboy is much more a female obsession these days then a male one. Playboy makes much more money off selling crap with the bunny logo on it (I have lost count of the number of pre-teen girls I have seen on the streets wearing or carrying something with the bunny logo on it - let alone the adult women who the young girls got the idea from), their lines of sex toys and appliances, and erotic videos to WOMEN then they ever made off the magazine. Women also comprise about half the subscribers to the magazine, and much of the programming on the two Playboy premium pay channels - 7 lives exposed (their smash hit reality show) has a majority female viewer ship - is also geared towards a female audience.

Yeah, the empire that is Playboy is run by, and run for, the desires of women yet somehow it is exploiting them according to feminists. Funny how that works huh?

Females produce - as in they own the company that makes it - so much porn these days it's extremely hard for feminists to keep selling the lie that it is exploiting women. That and the average female porn star gets paid 5 times what the average heterosexual male porn star gets paid and double what the average gay porn star gets paid. In fact many of the men who act in Gay porn videos are not gay, they just have no other opportunity within the industry to get a raise so they have no choice as male porn stars are far less likely to become successful outside of the porn industry then their female counterparts who can leave the adult industry at any time with little to no negative effect on their career choices. Men get trapped as porn actors and can't get out and since the pay is dramatically less for a male porn actor, he often cannot earn enough to support himself. But women are exploited by porn right?

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