Drunk Mother Murdered Baby With Microwave

Story here. Excerpt:

'Investigators looked throughout China Arnold's home to find whatever fatally burned the woman's infant, finally identifying a kitchen appliance, a detective said.

"That microwave was the murder weapon," detective Michael Galbraith testified Thursday at a hearing to determine if Arnold will stand trial on aggravated murder charges in the death of her month-old daughter, Paris Talley.

Arnold, 26, has pleaded not guilty in Paris' death on Aug. 30, 2005. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

Galbraith testified that Arnold told him during his initial questioning: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died."'

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What I find interesting about this story is that prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. If I remember correctly, a while back, wasn’t their a women who drowned her 5 little boys by locking the boys in her car and driving the car into a lake? I believe she was sent to a mental inst. This women killed her little girl, which most definitely deserves the death penalty. Five boys murdered gets you in a mental inst. One girl murdered gets you the death penalty. That’s justice in America!

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Actually, that woman's original sentence was life in prison, I believe. She filed an appeal and somehow won.

I applaud the fact that the prosecutors in this new case want to pursue the death penalty, but I doubt that's what this monster will get. It's the least of what she deserves, but most likely, it'll be minimal jail time or none at all and mental counseling instead.

Shit like this is incredibly disturbing.

Why is it that national news will devote weeks and weeks to coverage about yet another pregnant woman murdered and never bring up shit like this?

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Amanda Hamm is the lady in question. She drowned her 3 kids in a lake. Her boyfriend was involved, who did not sire any of the children.

He go life, she got 10 years. For whatever reason, the courts saw the fact that she actually was the parent as a mitigating factor (???) and she also used the "it was his idea" defense (women are apparently no longer responsible for their actions when they do what a guy asked them to do).

Setentcing summary

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So much for that excuse. The reason THIS MURDER gets the death penalty is because a young GIRL was involved point blank.

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*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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