RADAR ALERT: Katie Couric Must Be Disciplined

Last week, it was discovered that Katie Couric physically assaulted a subordinate editor for using a word in a news story that she could not pronounce. A unidentified witness to the event said that Katie Couric slapped a fellow male editor in anger "over and over and over again on the arm". (http://nymag.com/news/features/34452/index6.html) "It had seemed like a joke at first, but it quickly became clear that she wasn't kidding".

Couric grudgingly admitted to the assault in a New York Magazine article: "I sort of slapped him around," Couric admits. "I got mad at him and said, 'You can't do this to me. You have to tell me when you're going to use a word like that.' I was aggravated, there's no question about that." (http://nymag.com/news/features/34452/index7.html)

CBS has not yet disciplined Katie Couric for an act which, if the perpetrator were a male, would have probably resulted in immediate termination. This sends the message to all CBS employees that workplace violence by women is acceptable.

Many large corporations have adopted "zero tolerance" workplace violence policies. Many Human Resource consulting firms recommend it, to prevent personal disagreements from escalating to serious violence in the workplace. "Zero Tolerance" is the one way corporations can protect themselves from lawsuits. We believe that CBS runs a great risk of future problems and lawsuits by permitting women to initiate physical altercations with male employees. In a large corporation, it is only a matter of time before an altercation spirals into serious violence.

The facts of violence between men and women dictate that CBS must take an aggressive stance on this problem.

* Men and women are equally likely to initiate and engage in partner aggression. (http://www.breakingthescience.org/RichardGelles_MissingPersonsOfDV.php)
* In about half of all cases, the aggression is mutual, meaning that there is no clear-cut initiator of the altercation. (http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/ID41H3a.pdf)
* Although women are more likely to be harmed, males represent 38% of those who suffer an injury from partner aggression. (Archer J., "Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review" Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 126, pp. 651-680, 2000.)

Just as Paris Hilton and Martha Stewart were held accountable for their misdeeds, Katie Couric must be held accountable for hers. In Couric's case, she must be held to the same standards of professional behavior that male employees are held to. Katie Couric must be disciplined and the public informed about the actions CBS has taken.

We encourage everyone to do the following:

  1. Contact CBS headquarters in one of the following ways:
    1. Call 212-975-4321 and leave a message for CBS President Sean McManus, requesting that Katie Couric be properly disciplined for her act of workplace violence,
    2. Mail a copy of this alert to Sean McManus, CBS Television Network, 51 West 52nd Street, New York, NY 10019, or
    3. Submit a copy of this alert by going to http://www.cbs.com/info/user_services/fb_global_form.shtml. Where it asks "Regarding:", select "CBS Evening News".
  2. Send a copy of this alert to your local CBS News station. Go to http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/07/31/utility/main517034.shtml, click on the link for the station in your area. When the new page appears, select Edit > Find On This Page, and search the page for either "contact" or "feedback" to find out how to contact them.

Date of RADAR Release: July 16, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/

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If the Zero Tolerance policy is aimed at both sexes, this is revealing the immunities that women have in the workplace. They are free to flirt, hit, and abuse their male co-workers free of punishment. Even high-profile women are immune it seems. I hope this sends a message to all the fence-sitters on this issue that there is a deep-seated problem with our society in terms of equality.

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I have sent my letter of disgust to CBS and my local CBS station. Is there anything else we can do here? I am sure that other stations would love to do a story on this. Do we not have access to any lawyers that would be able to stand up for the Men's Rights movement, much like N.O.W. has, that would stand up and call for her to step down? Much like other groups do this is the time we need to stand up in the public eye and say that this is not OK.

Sick Boi

True equality is a 2way street.

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Perhaps send the story to every other news station out there. I'm sure one of them would take the opportunity to smear their competitors.

I'll work on making a contact list later tomorrow (busy tonight).

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People have been scandalized, fired and beaten up for much, much less.

Make that men have been scandalized, fired and beaten up for much, much less.


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The headline about Katie Couric being disciplined brings up an image of her being sent to the CEO's office and bending over while he wields a paddle ...

Oh wait, that would be violence against women. It's only funny when it happens to men.


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She needs to have her breasts cut off.

This is an acceptable position, considering her public comments on the virtues of castration to modify a males behavior.

oregon dad

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I am surprised that Glenn Sacks and Carey Roberts haven't picked up on this story of female violence in the workplace and the double standard that seems to prevail.

I have sent an email to CBS inquiring why they are letting a violent individual stay in such a high profile position as evening news anchor. No reply yet of course.

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(oregon dad) -- "She needs to have her breasts cut off."

You have by this foolish statement abdicated any serious consideration for your voice, or posts ... now or in the future.

Please, go get the therapy you so clearly require.

Report back when your therapist says you can be released on maintenance medications.

Really man.

You are one sick puppy.....

And no comrade of any thinking MRA.

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Yes, just what men's activism needs, guys who would respond to violence against men by spitting out this sort of refuse.

You're really helping us out with that... if you're REALLY interested in mens right... I suggest you turn pro-feminist and help them out with public responses of this nature.

Dave K
A Radical Moderate

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Not only breasts. She also needs her uterus torn out.

P.S. Don't pay any attention to what have replied to your post two other respondents. One of them has confessed that he has a daughter. Therefore it doesn't matter what he says on MRA issues. The other one probably also is biased in one way or another.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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The inconsequentiality of this false-MRA cannot be overstated.


Are these guys high school drop-outs using their parent's PC's after mom 'n dad retire to sleep?

With the sub-idiot-savaant IQ's demonstrated so far, I cannot imagine that they are employed, or capable of living on their own.

It's always illuminating to define the lowest common denominator...

and then take a few steps further down the evolutionary scale....

just to imagine that things can indeed seem more tragic.

Comic relief?

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When an idiot has a daughter his idiotic IQ lowers even further down to negative values. I think no one has any illusions and all are well aware that the interests of their imbecile and ugly "princesses" are much more precious for them than all men's rights altogether. )))

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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I pay no attention to the criticism.
Feminists have been getting away with demeaning comments for 40 years now - and using Political Correctness to defend themselves against rebuttle.

When Kouric suggests castration, she has no idea what that means. Perhaps if someone would suggest to her, the removal of her breasts, she would understand.

oregon dad

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While I can't speak for nbdspcl, Luek was just saying what Katie Couric has already said in the past, only turning the genders around.


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What do you guys mean, "cut her breasts off"? It would be more appropriate to remove her tongue (with a pair of plyers). That would really hit her where it hurts:)

I'm pretty much siding with oregon dad on this. I don't think he is advocating that such a thing actually be done, any more than Couric was re castration. I just believe that if a woman in the public spotlight such as she, can openly comment on the virtues of castration, then I have _every_right_ to discuss cutting her tongue out. It would only be answering violence with violence if any of these events actually occurred :)


P.S. I don't have a low IQ, my parents are dead, and I'm using one of my own three computers, mainly, the one I have essentially built myself. Does that make me legit?

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Poor baby, she had to say a word she couldn't pronounce! Well! Of course the stupid man deserves to be hit for that! How dare he!

Once again, female assault of a man is turned into a "joke" and no big deal. If the man slapped her around, his ass would be sued into the ground, at least, if not sentenced to jail time. But hey -- since it's the high-powered newswoman doing the slapping to a man who is not only a member of the truly hated gender in this country but also her professional subordinate, it's totally okay. Complain and you'll be ignored or told you're "making a big deal out of it."

I never cared one way or the other about Couric, but now I have no respect for her. And the fact that CBS did fuckall about it just gives me one more reason to hate them.

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For those asking what more they can do about this, there was another analysis of this 'incident' written by David R. Usher. I've included a link to the article here. If we all 'digg'd this article, raising it to the front page of digg that could bring much wider attention to this issue for the folks that don't read mensactivism.org regularly or at all.

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For those asking what more they can do about this, there was another analysis of this 'incident' written by David R. Usher. I've included a link to the article here. If we all 'digg'd this article, raising it to the front page of digg that could bring much wider attention to this issue for the folks that don't read mensactivism.org regularly or at all.

(dup due to captcha check timing out - please delete)

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"Simply Tit for Tat"

Correct. What amazes me is how the men here would rather argue with each other than set women straight. I guess it is that built in fear of women--which single mothers instill in their sons--kicking in again?

Hell I don't know.

Either way you are RIGHT to ignore it. Also, nbc made some good points on another thread as to how the majority of modern day women(not all, but most) become useless if they are not giving birth. What else do they do but get on people's nerves?

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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I'm sure the man won't press charges or sue Couric. She regrets leaving NBC for a prime time news slot. She's getting destroyed in the ratings. I watched an interesting debate on MSNBC. Are her low ratings due to sexism? Simply exuses to somehow explain the harsh reality: She sucks at her trade and people don't tune in to her broadcast.

The double standard is disturbing but also fascinating. Women sue companies for ubsurd sexual harassment claims, yet Katie gets a free pass when assualting a male employee/writer. "I slapped him around"??? Ofcoarse she did. Chilvary manipulates the man into a subservient position. He's simply not able to fight back. If he returns the "slap", he's wrong.

This incident barely makes the news. What the hell is wrong with society? Women are able to physically attact a man without repercussion, but will use the victim card if a man fights back..


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I'm sorry guys, thats a vicious and disturbing statement.
I'm not here to censor anyone, infact I find the posts much more interesting than the submitted articles. But on occasion, I disagree with a statement based on violence and retribution. VNV: Victory Not Vengenance. I believe we all have responsibilities as MRA'S. We cannot turn this into a hate movement. If that happens, we become the very thing we despise..Radical Feminism.


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Okay, anthony.

But, your mispelling of absurd is "ubsurd" :)


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This isnt english 101. Spelling? Who the hell cares!


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