The Political Gender Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

"The angle Democratic candidates are taking is that women lack freedom. According to John Edwards, "Today, too many women are separated from the opportunities of our country because of their gender." Hillary Clinton declares that the Bush "administration has acted to deny freedom to women around the world." The Democratic Party's Web site asserts that, "George W. Bush has said many times that he stands for 'freedom for all Americans' yet his policies and the policies of the Republican Party deny equal rights to women."

So how much less free are women than men? Debates between reasonable people rage on this topic, but we seldom stop to ask women how free they actually feel. When we do so, we get a surprise: It is women, not men, who feel the most freedom in America today."

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I am so sick of all these Democratic politicians whining along with the feminists about American women still not being free. What the hell do they want? What are they not allowed to do that is actually a part of freedom? "Equal" pay, because that 77% statistic thrown around has been blessed by God as undeniable truth? How about you get paid according to your position, qualifications, and performance and not because of your race or gender and the political bullshit the workplace is entrenched in?

And abortion? It's already fucking legal, how does that have anything to do with the alleged "oppression" of women in this country? What, they're not free because they can't always walk into a clinic 6 or 7 months along and demand the slaughter of their viable children? Damn. The patriarchy is just so out of control.

This article tries to express that most women do feel free, but the sad thing is that there are a shitload of women who absolutely agree with the Democratic party that they're not free enough.

And the point of the Republican party endorsing the oppression of women is so ridiculous, I can't even really think of a response other than that.

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Female MRA says,

I am so sick of all these Democratic politicians whining along with the feminists about American women still not being free. What the hell do they want? What are they not allowed to do that is actually a part of freedom?

IMO any political posturing and pontificating that accurately reflects our world is as likely to be accidental as it is to be by design. If the Flat Earth Society could throw around political weight like feminists do, every politician would be showing charts and graphs that clearly demonstrate how our belief in a spherical earth is based on prejudice and oppression.

The reality is that the hopeful ruler has said "If I want to have any hope of getting nominated or elected I must demonstrate my commitment to the Good-Woman/Bad-Man paradigm. What do I have to say this week to keep my man-hating reputation stronger than my opponent?"

They don't promote the hand-wringing, all-women-are-victims view because it's accurate, or even because they believe it. They promote it because it gets them what they want. As long as man-trashing is on the path of least resistance to public office, we can count on it remaining public policy.

A cynical view? Maybe. I prefer to call it bluntly realistic.

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"They don't promote the hand-wringing, all-women-are-victims view because it's accurate, or even because they believe it. They promote it because it gets them what they want. As long as man-trashing is on the path of least resistance to public office, we can count on it remaining public policy."

True. I'm sure not all of the polticians who endorse feminist dogma actually buy into it, but some do. I bet anything Hillary Clinton buys into it.... You're right, though. Man-hating wins them votes because it's a part of the mainstream. Problem is that politicians have enough public influence to deter men's rights from taking root in our culture. I don't know how exactly we could go about putting some politicians on the men's side, but it's something we need to figure out.

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...Female MRA; that's probably one of the many tricks that they have up their sleeve! It's always gonna be: hate a man--win a vote! bust a ball--win a vote! fuck daddy over and drive him away from his family--win a vote! sling mud in a black/gay man's face--win a vote! ...god this is getting so monotonous... but I have to agree with you every step of the way female MRA...



*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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I'm sure not all of the polticians who endorse feminist dogma actually buy into it, but some do. I bet anything Hillary Clinton buys into it....

Some politicians probably do buy into it. I didn’t mean to imply in my earlier post that no politician believes what they say (though it probably reads that way). My point is that sincerity and objective truthfulness are simply irrelevant in politics. Pandering to powerful interests will win elections whether it’s based on honest beliefs or purely on cold calculations. Nobody expecting to win high office takes UNpopular positions based on beliefs, and one way or another, pandering to the most powerful interests finds its way into every successful politician’s agenda.

Hilary may be a true believer. She was raised on feminism and has promoted it relentlessly even when she was much younger. On the other hand she’s the consummate professional politician and all indications are that she’d sell her soul to be president. No position is safe with her if it doesn’t move her toward the white house. Unfortunately, that doesn’t raise worries with feminists. They know they are Hilary’s basis of support and if she gets to the white house they are in for some very serious payoffs.

IMO automatic pandering to feminists will continue as long as there’s no price to pay for it. What can we expect from politicians that see a way to gain support without losing anything in the process? It’s a no-brainer. We need to make misandry costly. Right now it’s free.

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That's the million-dollar question: how do we make misandry costly?

Maybe that's the one thing the feminist movement can teach us? How did they get to where they are?

However we should do it, it's got to be done.... Misandry has reigned for too long.

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Rudy Gulianni has stated the Islamic war on terror is based on religious freedom, and freedom for women. He believes they hate the U.S. for those two reasons. Both theories have some logic, but Rudy is simply pandering to the female vote. The middle east has massive issues with freedom in general. I guess from a political stand point it might be a good move to snatch some female votes from Hillary if he becomes the GOP nominee.


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