UNFPA calls on men to take responsibility for maternal health

Release here. Excerpt:

"The United Nations Population Fund has chosen "Men as Partners in Maternal Health" as the theme of World Population Day.

UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid says, "Men are equal partners in making the new life that the women will deliver." She added, "Experience shows that male involvement can make a substantial difference when it comes to preserving the health and lives of women and children."

Cheers to promoting men and women working as equal partners and looking after each other's health!

But you have to wonder... When the UN will make calls on women to take "responsibility" for men's health? When will they call on women to let kids can see their dads who make that "substantial difference"?

I couldn't help notice that they said "male involvement" as opposed to "fathers' involvement". Maybe I'm cynical, but I think those words were carefully chosen.

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mike savell
well being of daughters eh?.I think they are well
enough looked after,I suppose all the boys have been sent back to Mars.

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"Experience shows that male involvement can make a substantial difference when it comes to preserving the health and lives of women and children."

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the single largest group of child abusers on Earth is biological mothers and the absolute best protection from abuse of a child is a biological father who is present in the home and the life of the child.

Dads are good because they stop moms from raping, beating, torturing, killing or otherwise abusing children.

I support the goals of this campaign, just not the motivations behind it. I agree 100% that fathers are vitally important in protecting the health of children and should be allowed to play the role of parent with all the rights that mothers receive. I just don't agree with the women first attitude this campaign fosters.

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"UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid says, "Men are equal partners in making the new life that the women will deliver."

This is a great example of how language can disguise ideological assumptions.

Sounds really good that "men are equal partners," right?

Guess what?

That "male equality" is never defined in the article, because it is a fiction.

Were men to become "equal" partners, that would require reliable male birth control, the reform of abortion laws to provide a prospective father with some legal rights about the pregnancy, and the near total eradication of anti-Family Courts, the child support racketeering shitstem, the DV Industry, and generalized cultural misandry.

Always be suspicious when a feminist declares that "MEN ARE EQUAL...."

That means she is confident that she has dominance over men, and will decide what degree of equality men may be "permitted"...

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I thought men were already carrying the responsibility for maternal health. How about all the advances over the last several decades, made by professionals in the male-dominated fields of science and medicine, which have decreased the rate of infant mortality, and increased the lifespan of women to the point where it is several years greater than that of those very same men? Gimme gimme gimme..when will it ever be enough??

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Trivial articles like this one are MRA "gold" -- because the closer you look at and deconstruct them, the more you learn about your enemy's true mindset.

The basic (always unspoken)assumption of this piece is that women are entitled to declare when men are "equal" (as in responsibilities for parenting) and when they are decidedly UN-equal ... as in having any legal rights about conception, pregnancy, abortion, or child support.

There is no examination of female power, feminist duplicity, legal tyrannies against men.

Just a cute, simple declaration by a pop-radical feminist that .... "men are equal partners."

When every man is interested and able to closely interrogate feminist speech, then the men's movement will prosper, because feminist lies are so abundantly obvious.

Like low-hanging fruit.

Ready to be picked, exposed, and exploited.

I believe men are slowly getting to the point that they routinely question anything a woman says, as to its truthfulness.

That's a good sign if only for mere survival, suggesting that the gender marked as "prey" is starting to awaken.....

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