Nebraska rape trial stunt

Story here.

A judge in Omaha has understandably barred a rape accuser from using the words "rape" and "sexual assault" at trial, since these words are inflammatory statements. Their has already been one trial on this case that ended in a hung jury. Of course, the woman wants to bring drama into this trial to make sure there is a conviction this she's pulling a media stunt by saying that she will use these words anyway, defying the judges order. She skews the issue further by saying that she has first amendment rights to say whatever she wants in the courtroom. This article sickens me...yet another possible precedent to make sure rape accusers get to pull out all the stops and make their own rules (with the help of the media) to make sure there are more convictions (based on emotion not facts, of course).

I'm really afraid that she will get everything she wants and more.

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From the article:

.....saying that she has first amendment rights to say whatever she wants in the courtroom.

Wouldn't one assume that a defendant should have the same first amendment rights that the accuser has? Considering all the evidence that is banned in rape defenses this accuser might eventually regret her request.

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Men are hauled off to prison for "Contempt of Court" when they can't pay child support. While women are allowed to do as they please, defying judges to their face.

They call this justice?

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what if they find out this girl is lying? i'm not saying yea or nay on her testimony. i don't know the truth. but she definitely has all the rights. she wants you to feel sorry for her and let her say whatever. yet, if she is found to be lying...what? nothing, that's what. men do hard time. women get counseling. number 205 falsely convicted was just released after decades behind bars thanks to the Innocence Project. they said the courtroom booed when he was originally given life vs death. wonder how many of these righteous people that reacted that way have bothered to appologize to that man. i would be willing to bet on the answer. the knee-jerk way that these righteous people act is pathetic. this bunch of posers are too stupid to see that denying any man a fair trial denies us all justice. the duke case showed us how americans treat women who lie. heck, she got dumb ole jesse to award her a scholarship for lying. imho this bunch of clowns don't need to hold the power of life and death over anyone. everything about their "justice" system is a joke. without "equality" you can have no justice. looks like the other precepts of law took a hike too. "fairness" took a train outta town. i heard someone say the other day that if you tell the "truth" in a courtroom these days you will be the only S.O.B. down there telling it. with precepts, you either have them all or you have none. kinda obvious what we don't have anymore, huh?

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I was the original poster of this message. The news here in Omaha just reported that she it taking this case to the Nebraska Supreme Court. Her lawyer said that they are afraid that the judge will declare a mistrial after she says "rape" in the courtroom. (In other words, they want to tie the judges and defendants lawyer's hands to make sure that inflammatory remarks are legally allowed to increased the chances of a conviction). Heck, why don't we just let her completely choose the gender of all the jury members!!

This is dangerous stuff gents! The accuser woman gets to say what she wants, however, the defendant is barred from discussing the accuser's sexual past, etc. This is why I don't understand what the above poster means by this situation possibly helping the defendant. How will that happen?

I'm almost 37 and have decided to stay unmarried for life because of this feminist infiltration of our justice system and legislative branch of government.

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As far as the fucked up lady accuser, one would think she would be too "emtionally distraught" to step into the limelight to the extent she has. Even though the attack was 3 years ago, she says she "will have trouble testifying" she must not have "recoverd" yet.
Basically at this point, she is a clown in a media circus. (except regular clowns are more benign).


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This females behavior is nothing short of what is usually deemed Contempt of Court if she were male that is. You forget that women own the courts.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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If she can say anything she wants, so can he.

Posted eariler, her entire sexual past, proven or just speculation, should be put before the jury.

Watch her and her attorney shriek in horror at the prospect of a "fair" trial.

Be careful of what you wish for...

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Some of these trolls around here should be put before a jury of their peers, with their peers including the legitimate members of this board, since the trolls are posting on this board.


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To use the word "rape" implies a rape occurred. That is what the trial is for, to determine what occurred. This is another example an ill logical women whining to get her way.

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