NOW Prez Says More Female Execs = Greater Profits

Article here.

In a recent address promoting greater media diversity, N.O.W.'s president Kim Gandy claims that simply having more women in management creates increased profits:

'"And as you see in any business … more women in management increases the bottom line for stockholders. ... Let's face it --the men behind the curtain -- in this case the white men behind the curtain -- are most comfortable hiring people who look, and talk, and think just like them. And that's not good for the rest of us.

... having more women owners, executives, news directors and so on -- is its own reward for the women you are employing and for their families and for society as a whole. ... But the icing on the cake is that, in the end, employing more women in the media creates a more vibrant public marketplace of ideas."'

Hmmm. If that were true, why would any intelligent capitalist firm wishing to maximize profits employ male managers? (Also note Gandy's blatant sexism, racism, and complete lack of credible supporting data for her assertions ... )

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My theory is simple. NOW not only attacks men, but white males. Feminists are a white female supremacist group. Ideology based on Fascism. Essentially, they want complete power. They perceive white males as standing in the way of their perverted goals. Feminists have always been indiminated and jealous of men. It bothers them so much, hate has become the very foundation of their lives. They're aware of the tremendous accomplishments our gender has offered soicety (including women). It drives them crazy

NOW has been criticized for having very view blacks in their hierarchy. Again, a white supremacist group. They have manipulated society with a politically correct way to vomit misandry and hide their true intentions. I'm surprised the public is not more aware of this. Political correctness equals Fascism. The best way to control a collective group is to manipulate language which ultimately manipulates the average citizen.


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"the men behind the curtain -- in this case the white men behind the curtain -- are most comfortable hiring people who look, and talk, and think just like them. And that's not good for the rest of us."

    Translation: Sneaky white men are behind the scenes controlling everything important while making it look like women are making progress.

    Truth: In the workforce, everyone answers to someone else. Those at the top answer to shareholders and customers. They have the greatest level of scrutiny over their decisions, not the least.

"We simply don't have the same access to capital as white men."

    Translation: White men can get loans that women can't.

    Truth: There are no restrictions on women getting loans for business purposes based only on their gender. There are, of course, many programs that only allow business loans to women.

"having women owners does make a difference in women-friendly workplace policies, in increasing the number of women in management"

    Translation: Women hire women more often, and are friendlier to women.

    Truth: No idea if this is true or not; but this isn't a positive thing to be claiming. In fact it's hypocritical. By her own advice if women hire women more often they should be forced to hire men, and introduce men-friendly programs.

"having more women owners, executives, news directors and so on -- is its own reward for the women you are employing and for their families and for society as a whole."

    Translation: Working with women makes you feel good because you're improving a woman's life and her family's life , and all of society

    Truth: Business isn't about feeling good. All of the above could be true for hiring any individual. All of the above could be true about not hiring the woman too... ie she may decide to spend more time with children, focus on artistic hobbies, write a best selling novel, volunteer in an organization, etc.

"employing more women in the media creates a more vibrant public marketplace of ideas."

    Translation: Women bring new ideas to the table that men aren't aware of

    Truth: The media doesn't bring new ideas to the table. They research existing ideas and leverage or report on them. In this day and age, women's opinions are highly accessible... if an expert on a certain area is needed, they are brought in, women included.

"Women and girls deserve and need to see and hear themselves reflected in the media. Men and boys need to see and hear us there, too."

    Translation: Women and girls aren't in the media enough.

    Truth: There's a difference between being "in the media" and "running the media" (her original topic). Women and girls are amply represented in the media.

"It is the solemn responsibility of broadcasters to serve the public interest because they're using our airwaves, but also because, when done right, the work that TV and radio stations and newspapers do empowers people to make practical decisions about their lives, realize their potential, participate in the life of their community, and contribute to society."

    Translation: Broadcasters have an ethical duty to promote a healthy society by providing content that reflects higher ideals and acting as an example

    Truth: The idea of what is healthy for a society or not is debatable. In the end though, broadcasters have an ethical duty to create profits by providing content that the public wants to see, and not to some so-called higher-ideals. This is not something that can be easily neglected as there is competition in the marketplace. If the public wants to view content provided by a broadcaster, they will; if not, they won't. It is the public which ultimately decides on the kinds of content provided. And as previously mentioned; content amply includes women.

"women will not win full equality until we are on equal footing as owners and decision-makers in the media and until the majority of media content presents the full scope of our humanity, dignity and worth"

    Translation: Women aren't equal to men because they don't make the decisions on what gets aired in the media. The content shown by broadcasters doesn't reflect women positively enough.

    Truth: Most media are acutely aware that women represent at least half of their viewership, and believe that women make the majority of purchases (important for generating revenue from advertisers). The media reflects these beliefs in favour of women, often to men's detriment.

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I really do HATE that.

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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(anthony) - "Political correctness equals Fascism."

Look how far America has come in only 231 years!

You can write the history of American men in four phases:

(1) revolutionaries become farmers
(2) farmers become industrial workers
(3) industrial workers become clerks
(4) clerks become slaves

Now, go shoot off something temporarily loud and offensive, to celebrate mens' "independence."

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...women aren't done with you politically correct men yet. Women wear the pants here and the sooner you guys develop vaginas the better.

The Good News: Half of you are already there! While you are serenading her she is plotting against men. You go girl!

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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My god! This NOW skank is not only a misandrist but she is a racist misandrist! I hope she gets breast cancer and dies.

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My god! This NOW skank is not only a misandrist but she is a racist misandrist! I hope she gets breast cancer and dies.

Oh please... I hear ovarian cancer is much worse... Maybe she'll get that! Or how about pancreatic cancer. When I told my doctor that one of my relatives had gotten pancreatic cancer, he winced!

It is probably better that Kim Gandy have a dehabilitating stroke and LIVE!

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....and black men after she gets white men out of the way.

White--and black---females have always been less accepting of others than their male counterparts. Women only accept differences when it helps their bottom line.

There was an article that shows how feminism was linked to the women's klu klux klan and how women used bigotry to turn white men against black men by claiming black men were "raping them."

Ever seen Rosewood? The movie illustrates how this was done:

a. white woman cheats on her husband.

b. when husband catches her she claims black man raped her because black men are not human.

c. chivalrous white man--motivated by blind love and chivalry--starts a fight with black men. NOTE: These charges of being rapists, woman beaters, and not human will later be leveled against ALL MEN once the WKKK becomes the radical movement known as feminism.

d. white woman then plays "better person" card by calling white MEN bigots for acting on something she started.

This leaves white men and black men in fear of one another and gives the white female the ally she needs "blacks." It is then only a short step for white women to begin claiming that white women are oppressed JUST LIKE BLACKS. The term SEX-ism is coined because it matches up with the very real slight known as RAC-ism. The white female--and the black women whom aid her--know this very well. The pieces are already in place and the white woman has already got what she wanted: attention, sex with another man(i.e. the black man she sold out later. As a matter of fact she now has two men FIGHTING OVER HER which makes her feel SEXY), protection, and when the women's movement is over she also gets the money as we see today.

In the movie she cheated with another white man and then blamed it on a black man when she got caught. However, many white mistresses had sex with--and bore children by--black men who they later claimed had "raped" them. They simply played on male chivalry like women do now to get their way.

That's why black men need to turn their backs on women--so do white men--and begin embracing other MEN first and women second. You can't have any love for anyone else if you don't have any love for yourself.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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