So, a pig walks into a bar... by Tracy Clark-Flory

Article here. Excerpt:

"I was shocked to find that there's plenty about the ad that actually offends my own sensibilities. For starters: The depiction of men as pigs. I can understand the idea behind it -- that men who do not respect their partners enough to protect them from pregnancy or disease are pigs. But filling an entire bar with the nastiest of male stereotypes implies that almost all men are pigs. I'm also not too hot about the underlying message that men are solely responsible for condom use."

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I'm also not too hot about the underlying message that men are solely responsible for condom use.

Exactly. I'm sure all women take their birth control pill to help the pregnancy issue. Why doesn't the birth control advertisement display all women as pigs until they take their pill? Oh yeah, that would be offensive.

I for one will be switching condom brands. What ever happened to Trojan Man??? That faceless guy kicked ass.

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From article: "men who do not respect their partners enough to protect them from pregnancy or disease are pigs"

When a misandrist such as this lady, is saying that a commercial is too obnoxious, you know it really _is_ obnoxious.

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