More on FOX, CBS Rejecting 'Evolve' Commercial

Story here.

As Matt mentioned, FOX and CBS have rejected the commercial. Several reasons are cited in the article, but nothing about misandry or media male bashing. Excerpt:

"Jim Daniels, vice president for marketing at Trojan, said the ad is more expensive than any previous campaigns, but he declined to give a specific amount. Daniels said the company's goal is to "dramatically increase" condom use in the U.S. "The 'Evolve' ad does a nice job of being humorous, but it's also a serious call to action," Daniels said, adding, "The pigs are a symbol of irresponsible sexual behavior and are juxtaposed with the condom as a responsible symbol of respect for oneself and one's partner"

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The pigs are a symbol of irresponsible advertising by persons who themselves could fairly be called pigs. There is no law that says we have to interpret the symbol of pigs the way some obscure marketing executive says that we should. His interpretation is obviously wrong.

The implication of this campaign is that males are solely and exclusively responsible for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the epidemic of teenage pregnancies. This is mistaken.

The conclusion we should draw is that Trojan is marketing to pigs, and not humans. Trojan is marketing condoms to another species altogether. It's the biggest marketing blunder in history.

Trojans should henceforth be known as pig condoms. I insist that the ad is marketing pig condoms to pigs, and not humans. And if enough of us do that, that is what it will mean for the public.

I should comment on the article. Here's a quote: "The Times cites a 2001 report about condom advertising from the Kaiser Family Foundation that found some "networks draw a strong line between messages about disease prevention -- which may be allowed -- and those about pregnancy prevention, which may be considered controversial for religious and moral reasons."

I have to agree with Christopher Hitchens in "God is Not Great": religion poisons everything. The networks have rejected the advertisement for the wrong reasons.

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Trojans should henceforth be known as pig condoms. I insist that the ad is marketing pig condoms to pigs, and not humans. And if enough of us do that, that is what it will mean for the public.


Pigs gotta have some too huh?

Good one, I like it!

*Site and Blog:
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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Maybe some hapless pig watching the commercial will be moved to purchase a trojan, only to discover to his dismay that he won't evolve into a human. I say alert the FDA. False advertising!

On the other hand, maybe Trojans will reduce sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy in the pig population. Then they could call their campaign a success.

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Leviticus 18:23. "Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion."

Bad news. The commercial seems to have run afoul of creationist and fundamentalist sensibilities. In the case of bestiality, the animal and the human have to be put to death.

Leviticus 20:15-16. "If there is a man who lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death; you shall also kill the animal. If there is a woman who approaches any animal to mate with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltiness is upon them."

Oops. Another tragic marketing error. We're free to interpret the transformation of a pig into a human as purely figurative, existing only in the mind of the female. No one is forced to follow some marketing executive's interpretation of the commercial. They're obviously mistaken.

Trojan is promoting bestiality.

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Don't go there with this bestiality bit. But kudos to FOX and CBS for stepping in...AND TAKING A STAND!!!!



*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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Initially I thought this commercial was part of a pig-headed campaign to sell Pig Condoms to pigs. I had hoped that Trojan's campaign would lead to reduced levels of sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancy in their target demographic: the pig population. The commercial couldn't possibly be marketing Pig Condoms to humans.

But upon further reflection, a more profound interpretation occurred to me: Trojan is promoting bestiality.

Leviticus 20:15-16. If there is a man who lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death; you shall also kill the animal. If there is a woman who approaches any animal to mate with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood guiltiness is upon them.

The transmogrification of a pig into a human is figurative. The perspective of the scene is that of the genetically privileged, evolved female denizens of the bar, who go there in search of interspecies relations with the pigs. When the transformation occurs, it happens only in the mind of one of those females. We know that pigs cannot evolve by purchasing condoms.

The transformation shouldn't be taken literally; instead, it should be regarded as a master stroke of cinematographic technique, a deft evocation of the psychological process of rationalizing bestiality as if it were ordinary human heterosexual sex. This carefully calibrated scene exposes the state of denial through which a female human sees a pig as if he were a human male, so that she can engage in interspecies relations with the animal. A stunning achievement.

This is the more profound interpretation of the commercial.

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