Los Angeles County Fraud Unit Uncovers MAJOR Child Support Scandal!

The following information may be of MAJOR interest to anyone who is being abused by the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Deparment. The Los Angeles County Fraud Unit has just uncovered as MASSIVE scandal as a direct result of a complaint I filed against the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department. The following is a press release that I've sent to as many newspapers, radio stations, and television studios that I can find in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. While the LA County Fraud Unit investigation is not over, I strongly urge ALL of you to contact them and file a report on their web site (http://www.lacountyfraud.com/) Click on the "Report Fraud" button to file your report! It's time to bombard LA County with complaints from everyone who has been harmed. Don't wait - file today! Also, don't forget to spread the word!

Fraud Unit Uncovers Sandal:

Los Angeles County Child Support Computer System has Major Deficiencies

. . .harming millions of innocent men

As part of an investigation into the ongoing corruption at the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department, in which they have been illegally seizing the wages, as well as fraudulently reporting arrearages on the credit report of a father who has always paid his child support on time and in full, the Los Angeles County Fraud Unit (Department of Auditor-Controller, Office of County Investigations, located on the Internet at: (http://www.lacountyfraud.com) ). That complaint resulted in an investigation being opened against them. As a result, the Fraud Unit has just uncovered another huge scandal in which it appears that millions of innocent fathers are literally being abused by LACCSSD. According to a voice-mail message, the Los Angeles County Fraud Unit informed the father that:

“. . .the Child Support Department has a major deficiency in their computer reconciling system it looks they have a large lag time of about two or three months which is why they are not showing any of your payments for the last two or three months”

The Los Angeles County Fraud Unit has also stated that they are

“going to sit down with them [LACCSSD] in the next week or so and we’re going to recommend some major overhauls to their computer systems.”

In other words it is taking three months (or longer) for child support payments to be recorded by the county, while, at the same time, the County is viciously seizing the wages of innocent men who have; indeed, paid their child support. As noted, this scam has potentially impacted millions of innocent men who are having their wages garnished, tax refunds stolen, credit reports destroyed, professional licenses revoked, etc., etc. due to the ongoing incompetence at the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department.

In the case of the father who made the initial report to the Los Angeles County Fraud Unit, LACCSSD has severely harassed him for the past year and a half by not only literally defying court orders (available upon request) that they cease and desist their fraudulent collection actions against him as well as determined, a year ago, that the father had overpaid his child support, but they also:

  1. Illegally garnished his wages
  2. Tried to have his teaching credentials revoked
  3. Stole unemployment checks when he was laid off (he only works part-time because he is on disability)
  4. Fraudulently reported him as being 90 days in arrears to the credit bureaus and have refused to correct them. (Just yesterday, another one of LACCSSD’s unethical attorney’s, Chris Stark, tried to blackmail and extort more money from that father by stating that LACCSSD would remove the negative credit ratings if he paid an additional $1400 which he did not owe (in fact, LACCSSD has stolen so much from the father that they owe him money). A complaint of blackmail and extortion has just been filed against Stark with the California Bar Association.
  5. Stole two years worth of tax refunds
  6. Six of LACCSSD’s shysters (Lori A. Cruz, Dennis Coe, Deborah Echeverria, Alex Hunyh, Lisa Garrett, Cris Stark) have literally refused (some for more than a year) to respond to demands for a full accounting made by both the father and his attorney.

All of these were done in light of the fact that the father had significantly overpaid his support (much of which was stolen from him as a direct result of LACCSSD’s vicious and unfounded collection activities). The father will provide members of the news media with full documentation (canceled checks, pay stubs, tax documents, credit reports, etc.) regarding payments made (or stolen) by LACCSSD along with the extortion letter just sent by LACCSSD’s attorney, Chris Stark.

This latest scam is just one of many resulting from the unethical and illegal conduct of LACCSSD against innocent men. In a related matter, the United States District Court (Frank Mayer v. California Health and Human Services Agency et. al. - Case Number 2:05-cv-07195-JFW-SS) that LACCSSD had fraudulently damaged Mr. Mayer’s credit report and subsequently refused to correct it. Based upon this latest news, it is conceivable that millions of men are being subjected to the same treatment.

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Absolutely despicable. Those people should be ashamed of themselves. I wish the best for you.

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If we were reading about this happening in some g_damnned 3rd world country we would be saying to ourselves, "Gee, aren't we lucky to be living in an advanced and civilized place like America where our innate sense of justice would automatically prevent such a gross violation of human rights from happening in the first place!"

Just think what the country will be like if that misandric skank Hillazilla gets elected Presidente!

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Can you give me some more specific info or link about the specific case of interest, or some other reference, so I can look it up on the fraud site or somewhere else? I would like to notify Glenn Sacks, if you have not done so already. (I checked the link and it said the most recent substantial case is several months ago).

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The case number is 2007-1663. While I e-mailed Glenn Sacks he has, so far, failed to mention it on his site. I'm also very well aware of the case that LA County lost a few months ago in Federal Court for doing the exact same thing to another man and, without saying too much , already have attorneys (and I don't mean those that work for LA County) looking very, very closly at my hard documentation that proves, conclusively, that Los Angeles County is actively engaged in fraud. :)

Visit Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department Sucks at:

Los Angeles County Child Support Services Sucks

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I think it is quite apropriate, to put photos of bin Laden and Hussein on the main page.
The only thing that just occurred to me about this is, won't the administration be able to blame it on computer problems? That allows them to escape responsibility to some extent, even though it is their system. Maybe they will blame whoever wrote the software they use, or whoever set up the computers, like a contractor or somebody. Whereas in reality, maybe the cause of the problem is that someone who works there went into the system, and "adjusted" data or some other kind of sabotage, like a mother with an axe to grind. I'm not saying that's likely the case, but I've heard of those things happening, such as feminists lying about study results.


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