Duke Reaches Settlement With Players

Story here. Excerpt:

'Duke University has reached an undisclosed financial settlement with three former lacrosse players falsely accused of rape, the school said Monday.
"We welcomed their exoneration and deeply regret the difficult year they and their families have had to endure," the school said in a statement. "These young men and their families have been the subject of intense scrutiny that has taken a heavy toll."'

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I'm not at all surprised that Duke is settling this matter before a lawsuit has even been filed (as far as I know), but I am surprised at how swiftly they have done it. I hope that the three victims received enough monetary compensation to completely cover the costs of their attorneys and also to compensate them for the tremendous amount of pain and suffering that they have endured.

It's too bad that we'll probably never know the details, but I would bet that the Gang of 88 will still avoid punishment. That this settlement came so quickly suggests that perhaps they did receive a good deal--presumably to keep a long and drawn out embarrassing lawsuit out of the headlines and also to prevent the victims from saying anything negative about the University.

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It shouldn't stop us. We can say all the negative things we want about Duke. And I would hope that all of us would discourage any young man from ever going to Duke. If they think they can stay alive as a female only college let them try.

No Duke, No way!!

p.s. - Captcha keeps failing on me. Says that I am entering the wrong code. But I am sure I know what MEJPU looks like. lol

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