Obama: Men Should 'Stop Acting Like Boys'

Story here.

Thats right gentlemen. Obama insulted every father in this nation by attacking them on a Father's Day. I find this disturbing. A potential president has an anti-father ideology. Excerpt:

'Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Friday that fathers have to share the responsibility for raising children and caring for families because their role doesn't end at conception.

Days before Father's Day, the first-term Illinois senator and father of two daughters delivered his life message as well as an assessment of what government needs to do in remarks at a Baptist church.

"What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise a child," Obama said.

In his prepared text, Obama said: Men need to "stop acting like boys - who need to realize that responsibility does not end at conception.'

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...the only reason he is even being considered for presidency is because he is black even though he does not have the best interests of black MEN--or men in general--in mind. He's only doing what the other spineless men in politics have been doing for the past 30+ years courting the female vote. I'll bet his wife owns him and those purple ass lips of his.

As a black man I would like to state that this weakling(i.e. Obama Barack: The Manchurian Candidate) does NOT represent the majority of black men. Many black men have spoken out against this moron and continue to do so.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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MrReality, don't mind him...he's already an insult to many of the brothas out there! Obama, how you gonna go and refer to my dad as a 'boy'? huh, where you at? He's a retired engineer, and a very devout Christian man who with my mom, put food on the table and clothing on our backs! How dare you...I always knew that you were condescending...I was right!

Stop giving us brothas a bad name by running your goddamn mouth! Shut the hell up talking that talk...



*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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It never fails. Strong, popular political candidates start out with a solid image and apparent integrity and as the campaign goes forward, they start giving it up to try to win votes. True for all parties, all political persuasions, regardless of the issues. They will say anything if they think it will give them the votes. Power corrupts even before the person in question actually has it. So here we see it in action again. Hillary is a perfect example. Now, alas, Obama is. I could say the same about the leading GOP candidates, too. *sigh*...

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Every time Obama opens his mouth on anything related to Men's Issues, it gets clearer and clearer -- he is just like any other misandrous political candidate.

What is his strategy? Pander to women by telling men to get their act together?

Hillary's strategy must be to pander to women by condemning men...

I like T-Shirt Hell's shirt, a picture of Obama and Hillary: "The Choice Is Clear : Vote Republican"

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"As a black man I would like to state that this weakling(i.e. Obama Barack: The Manchurian Candidate) does NOT represent the majority of black men. Many black men have spoken out against this moron and continue to do so."

I think (well, I am afaid) that what we are seeing is the resignation of a high-profile black man to the fact that the only way he is going to get anywhere is if he plays along with the femi-nuts and sides with them.

Do you really think he would have made it this far if he hadn't played his hand as women first, blacks second? He's ambitious, smart and completely without scruples.

Some black men may have spoken out, but many others are rolling over and playing dead, just like all men. Gutless.

Blacks in the US are just as fucked as they ever were. Their biggest problem is now that they don't even realise who the enemy is.

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...rolling over and playing dead. I see some black men caught up in that woman-centerd thug image. You know the guy with tons of diamonds on and other jewelry with tons of half-dressed, money-grubbing whores standing around him while he gets high on some illegal drug and raps about his rented mansion?

This is the crap the upstanding black men must deal with and no I don't care about so-called misogyny in rap music just like women did not care about the tons of male bashing songs made by women. It only becomes an epidemic when women claim to be slighted. I'm working on pulling that thug mentality from the public eye. It's the mentality of young, aimless men raised by single women with no morals or ethics. What is funny is women whine about rap but they buy most of the CDs. Once again women wanting to be excused for their own actions.

It will only get worse. You have the thugs on one side and the PC sambos on the other. They are both bad examples of black males.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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The thing is that blacks actually stand a pretty good chance of being listened to if they speak up (its hard to stick the 'angry white male' tag on a black man).

But I guess they have the most to lose by standing up to big sister.

Rock and a hard place.

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...because ever since black women have been running their mouths you see what it gets us; Oprah. I doubt if my brothers will speak up though since like most men many black men are afraid of their women.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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I certainly hope this sack of anti-father/anti-male trash doesn't make it to presidency. I don't have anything wrong with an African-American or a woman becoming president; I DO have something wrong with anti-male sociopaths becoming presidents.

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Gee, I was not even on the fence in deciding if I should vote for Obama for President of the U.S. No real incentive to do so. Now, with this revelation of his self-loathing and Joe Biden type of misandry there is even less reason for me to vote for him! He must be a carbon copy of Senator Joseph "Mad Dog" Biden! Biden is running for Prez too but I have no reason at all to vote for him either. They are a pair of equal opportunity dipshits! All my opinion of course.

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..and the owners of the house he is taking care of--the white house--are all feminists. Who the hell names their kid Obama? I'm about to start calling him step and fetch.

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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Either that, or he is going only for the votes of black women. I think many black men will take his statement as a particular affront, since they are probably more often accused of abandoning the child than men of other races.


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I am so in agreement.

Obama is the sugar cane plantation "big bwoy" who gets to flirt with the owner's wife when he is promoted from cutting cane to running errands for massa.

Believe me, I know this sounds racist.

I lived in the Caribbean for years and understand the color code and class code and its psychotic nuances.

Worse, I have lived in racist America far too long.

Obama is going to soon become the political equivalent of that little stereotypical stable boy plaster yard ornament that you can still spot in any average middle American ("cracker") neighborhood.

I would like to support Obama.

(I love his new "Obama Girl" video stealth strategy!) See youtube.com.

But, when it comes down to criteria for comparing his message with the black men I grew up with; well --- as for integrity, from a white boy privileged to have some access into other worlds, all of my black mentors were assassinated long ago.

Obama has some street cred to establish yet.

Otherwise, I will have to vote for any Republican cracker who runs against Hillary.

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He seems to be "reaching out" to the left, so to speak. I think he is not against abortion, and there are a couple other areas he has appeared to compromise on. I'm not sure what his views are on "women's rights" are, but he can't be as bad as Hitlery or even Obama on that issue. It would be good if he could talk to a black leader, someone respectable, not Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson...oh well, I guess Jackson would be okay. Giuliani should arrange at least one meeting with the NAACP, to openly discuss racial issues. I don't see why this should alienate any decent Republican voter. A racist probably would vote for one of the other Republicans anyway.

You know, the more I think about Obama's message to fathers, the more it seems to me he is trying to steal some of the women's votes from Hitlery. He might figure he has the black vote anyway, so in effect is trying to capture white women. Just a theory.


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..before I vote for some moronic black fool that is stupid enough to go along with the pro-fem status quo in America. Damn I'm so sick of seeing everyone bend over for women!

The minute he turns against men--and black males in particular--he is a has been in my book. Unlike the fem crowd I don't vote according to one's gender or race; I vote according to what they are willing to do to help the male citizens of the USA as a whole and in particular help establish some economic stability for black men like they have been doing for the women--who stole black men's equality which would have been won by the civil rights movement had feminism not usurped it--all of these years.

At the root of feminism is hatred, female greed and entitlement helped along by chivalrous male stupidity.

America*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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MrReality -- "I'll bet his wife owns him and those purple ass lips of his."

As a white bwoy, I am calling you out on this blatant cracker Jim Crow remark!

How can you possibly use this "lips" trash talk to not even make a point?

Man, you are what we used to call in Revolutionary Grenada ... a "yard fowl."

I really do not what more to say to you, brother.


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*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis/
*Site and Blog: http://www.freewebs.com/nofeminazis/index.htm
*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy57

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