New Glenn Sacks column: In this Turf War, Kids Are the Prize

My new co-authored column, In this Turf War, Kids Are the Prize (Tallahassee Democrat, 6/13/07), defends the controversial concept of Parental Alienation against recent attacks from the National Organization for Women, the Family Violence Prevention Fund, and numerous other misguided women's groups.

The column, which appears below and is linked on my blog here, was written primarily as a response to NOW president Kim Gandy's recent anti-father editorial Sick Joke or Sick Reality?

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All of the P.A. syndromes that are cited in this piece as divorce-related can actually be observed happening within intact, conflicted or deteriorating marriages.

When marital discord arises -- often when kids become adolsecents -- parents will use their children as weapons in their marital battles.

A lot of it is passive-aggressive psychological warfare, at which women excel.

(They learned the tactics in high school when they were sabotaging their best girl friends or receiving similar indirect aggression.)

I would be surprised if Parental Alienation suddenly showed up only because of a divorce.

The toxic potential of married adults manipulating each other and using their kids in a sick psychological warfare existed all along....

(Yeah, I have the t-shirt from that fun tour in hell.)

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To tell you the truth, she's not a good writer, and really not all that smart, considering she is leading the premier ideological totalitarian movement of our time. She's not even near being an expert at manipulating language. Marx, her indirect mentor, was lots smarter. And needless to say, so was Plato, who himself was a totalitarian. (Anyone who scoffs at the idea that feminism inherits from Marxism, is sadly uninformed. See "Legalizing Misandry"..become enlightened!)

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