8-Year-Old Charged For Sexual Conduct With Sitter

Check this out:

"A mother is upset after a 14-year-old babysitter engaged in sexual conduct with her eight-year-old boy, and the eight-year-old was charged with lewd conduct.
Grosbeck says the Salt Lake County District Attorney told her both the child and teenager were equal participants. But Mrs. Grosbeck didn’t believe that.

“My son is eight, he’s a little boy. He does not have the ability to participate on the same level as a fourteen-year-old,” she said.

Although the charges against her son were dropped, she is concerned that the same thing could happen to other victims of sexual abuse."

Why did they drop the charges on the boy? They had a serious sexual predator on their hands! I ask once again, what's wrong with the people in charge of our justice system?

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This story resonates with me. I used to have a friend who had a sister, with the ages about the same as in this story: I was about 8 and she was about 14, maybe 15. When we were alone together she would tell me to touch her in various places, particularly her breasts. "We" never got caught but after a few times this happened, I sensed there was something wrong with what we were doing, and refused to participate anymore. She stopped asking and never asked again for me to touch her that way.

Perhaps if I had told anyone back then, I would not have been treated the way this boy was. That was back in the '70s though, before "feminist jurisprudence" had infiltrated. More proof of the hazards of being male!

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It is beyond the point of no return and must be abolished and rebuilt from the ground up. I know RandomMan would not approve of that but I simply feel there is no way to turn back the clock on the system in place now. It has gone to far.

Under AWA, this 8 year old boy could have been added to the national sex offender registry if the charges were not dropped.

I love how you have to read half the article before they come out definitively with the gender of the babysitter at this point

“It was just that sense that something wasn’t quite right with this 14-year-old girl,” she said.

Oh, and where is this accused child molesters name, address, phone number, picture, blood type, all surrounded by a big bold border of the words "CHILD RAPIST!"?

You think a teen aged boy would not be named in these circumstances?

Fuck, the article doesn't even say what the girl's been charged with it's just so un-newsworthy that a teen girl likes to fondle kids she babysits.

My favorite part - as it's the most utterly revolting - is that the prosecutor told the mother of the little boy

"Grosbeck says the Salt Lake County District Attorney told her both the child and teenager were equal participants. But Mrs. Grosbeck didn’t believe that"

'Cause that prosecutor has some way of knowing that. Unless he was video taping the incident to put up on the local police forces sting web site, the simple indisputable fact is that that prosecutor has absolutely no way of knowing that. No one can say with certainty that the boy was a willing or equal participant that was not in the room at the time.

To tell the mother something like that - to even think something like that - is absolutely disgusting on the part of that prosecutor.

Granted, my personal belief here is that no one is a monster and no one needs criminal charges here. Regardless of the gender of the babysitter, at 14 you can hardly consider a person a lost cause and some form of alternative reconciliation to avoid a criminal charge would have been much more fair to all parties as I'm sure with a little therapy and a metaphorical swift kick in the ass this girls ways can be straightened out. I doubt the children will suffer any lasting scars. Except for the boy who's been criminally charged which will undoubtedly scar him worse then what happened. What happened here needs only to be explained gently, put in a proper context, and the children instructed what to do if it ever happens again and lasting damage to the children could be entirely avoided. You know, what they used to call parenting before the state got involved and took over that role.

But to charge an 8 year old boy with a sex crime is the height of disgusting considering RSOs (and make no mistake about it, under AWA that 8 year old boy would be one if he had been convicted) are the new slave class of the 21st century. For a justice system to even attempt to destroy the life of an 8 year old child like that shows that the justice system is simply beyond hope of repair.

Please also name the officer who brought the charges against the little boy in the first place. That person also needs to no longer have their job. For those who may not have ever had dealings with the justice system, prosecutors to not bring charges, they merely choose whether or not to bring them forward before the courts, police do 100% of the actual charging. So some idiot cop had to decide that an 8 year old boy should face a charge. And we let this person - with their obvious lack of good judgment carry a gun and a badge. Fuck that shit. They need a new job where they can't hurt anyone. The only group in existence with LESS accountability then females however, happens to be police. So chances are that cop will get a fucking promotion out of this!

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There shouldn't be any charges here, only counseling.

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This story is interesting on a number of levels.

First, recall your earliest "sexual" experience as a child. Likely it was not legally classified as criminal "abuse." (My own early boyhood introduction to female gold-diggers was a six year-old girl next door who liked to charge boys a nickle to watch her pee!)

I spent a dime to become beyond bored with this fetish that now makes millions on the Internet! (At age five, I did not appreciate the business savvy of my girly neightbor! I'm sure she has a MySpace page now....)

Second, this article illustrates the hypocrisy of a culture that increasingly sexualizes childhood but at the same time criminalizes most ordinary forms of sexuality.

Recall the recent story of a kindergarten-aged boy who was charged for kissing his female school friend?

When will this perversion of the legal system and what used to be called "common sense" end?

(Oh - the answer is "When President Hillary" is in charge!)

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My friend, common sense becomes increasingly uncommon with each day that passes.

Thanks for the early mourning laugh to get my day started though.

Couldn't agree more with every word you said.

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...this justice system is simply too corrupt to be salvaged. It needs to be put out of its misery.


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Anyone notice the top news section on the side of this article?

"Man Killed After Arguing With Stripper At Club"
Article here

Looks like another classic. Stripper gets pissed at man for arguing with her, and asks male friend (supposed motorcycle gang member) to get even with him. Doesn't mention anything about police going after the stripper of course, just the gang member.

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Tell that to the boy spending 10 years in prison for getting a blowjob from a girl only 3 year younger than him. This 14y/o should have been put away. She has ruined this young boys life, and he will never be the same. (that's the usual mumbo-jumbo we get about the female "victims" right?)

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