Sacks Column: NY Electronic Tagging Device Bill--An Orwellian Measure

From Glenn Sacks: "My new co-authored column, NY Electronic Tagging Device Bill--An Orwellian Measure (Buffalo News, 5/30/07), criticizes Assembly Bill 5424, which requires “any person against whom an order of protection is issued…to wear an electronic monitoring device.” The article explains that New York Orders of Protection are often issued in an assembly line manner, and this bill will victimize many innocent men."

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...blaming feminism solves nothing. Feminism is not the culprit. The culprit is chivalry and the female entitlement mentality that permeates western culture like a disease.

You can disagree and call it "hate"(That's exactly the weak tactic women use too. I ignore them as well. Facts are facts.) all you want but stating a fact about western females believing they are entitled to a man's earnings and more simply because they are female is a cold reality that the cuddly men in America will have to face sometime or another.

This is what needs to be defeated--THAT MENTALITY--not some stupid fight against yet another manifestation of a corrosive mentality that has been getting nurtured way before feminism came on the scene.

Women think they are BETTER than men. That's why so many of them accept feminism it matches up with what they believe anyway. Until women are knocked down a notch--into reality--the dysfunctional western woman will live on.

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You said (in part) what I've been thinking. The culprit is OUR paternalism/chivalry, and the result is the culture of female entitlement that WE have created through that paternalism/chivalry. But that's just a symptom. The cause is paternalism/chivalry.

So we don't need to "knock them down" even by a notch - it's not women's fault that we've created a society that spoils them, even as adults. That fairy-tale princess routine you're talking about comes from their own sense of inferiority and our sense of paternalism/chivalry. If we should be knocking anyone down, it should be paternal men!

You say "No Feminazis". I say "No Paternalism". We're really saying the same thing. In my opinion, the worst "feminazis" are in fact men!

Most of these misandric laws and practices were dreamed up and instituted by MEN. Hence the need to put paternalism/chivalry on hold. Do that, and the fairy-tale princess routine will drop dead in a heartbeat.

To quote a famous old comic strip:

"I have seen the enemy. And he is us."

NOW do you see why I say it is so important to "love" the enemy? I'm not talking about women! Hence the need to raise male consciousness.

We're literally doing ourselves in as a result of our own paternal nature. We, that's right - us men - created this mess for ourselves. Yeah, feminists hate us, but as they and we are all aware, they're really quite powerless against us unless we consent to act for them or we allow them to act on our behalf. Humanity is a fundamentally paternal species, not out of sexism, but out of evolutionary necessity - that's why even most women prefer to work for and be led by men. Sure we're entitled to be offended by misandry and sexism, and even to get angry about it. That's what places like this website really do - in addition to giving us a place to voice our views, they allow MRAs to harmlessly vent our anger and hostility, which makes us stronger for the real fight. Women don't understand this because they're not men. They do their thing, we do ours. They sympathize. We vent. Unfortunately, we the slaves (mostly to our own paternalism and the mess it's created), aren't allowed to express anger, so it has to be done very, very carefully lest it be used against us. Hence my caution about not saying anything that might be used to attack us in public.

The only thing we have always provided to women that they absolutely, positively cannot live without is the same thing we provide to feminists that THEY absolutely cannot live without. That thing is paternalism/chivalry. Therefore the only type of meaningful resistance we can offer to the men and women who are ratcheting up the misandry in our societies is to suspend our paternalism/chivalry, i.e. to go against our own natures without harming anyone, at least for the time being. We're the source of the problem here, not the feminists. Sure, they're a royal pain in the ass, but they can't accomplish a damned thing without our paternalism/chivalry, and they've known that since day one. If you read the original manifestos on radical feminism, you'll see that feminism is counting on chauvinism and paternalism/chivalry to succeed! No paternalism = no feminism. Women can't exploit or manipulate what we don't offer.

And you know what? It's going to torture most men to withdraw their paternalism/chivalry. It's a terribly difficult and unnatural thing to do, but it has to be done.

Please try to remember that women are NOT our enemy, and that they are NOT the problem in this situation, that's all I ask. Being angry about injustice is always perfectly understandable, but we need to try and keep it as low-key as possible to avoid having it become another bludgeon the feminists can use to beat the paternalism/chivalry out of the men running the show.

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..people claim western societies are patriarchal, but in fact women have ruled from the shadows for centuries.

The world we live in is dominated by "matriarchy" not "patriarchy." IMO there has never been a true patriarchy. It is up to the men today to create what has never been.

Once again your paternal/chivalrous nature is doing you harm by you taking ALL of the blame as a man. No it does not rest solely on men it is also due to females believing they are entitled to things instead of having to work for them(like everyone else). This has been the case since males and females have existed. You guys kill me. You're still babying women and saying don't say anything bad about women. Come on with that bullshit.

Both men and women need to be put in their place like I SAID. You keep ranking men down and trying to absolve women of any blame in this, like women had no hand in maintaining or developing chivalry or male enslavement. No I hold women responsible for what they have done. Women ARE guilty for stealing, lying, manipulating, etc. For doing nothing--or nearly nothing--to halt the onslaught of female greed which they themselves recognize. No I will fault women for doing nothing to better a world they live in and yet refuse to make a better place for human beings instead making it a living hell for their own husbands, boyfriends, sons, brothers, etc. The pro-female men here under the yoke of FemAmerica are scared to offend women.

They say a man calling it like is hating women. What malarkey! I say call me a hater motherfuckers. Hate, hate, hate. Now let's move on to something else once you get the namecalling out of your system. I have to say that some of the men here do the job women have handed them well but it will not work on me.


To claim that only MEN had a hand in developing chivalry when as a society ALL things are influenced by both women and men is to go back to the age of chivalry by blaming ONLY MEN. Such a stance is the stronghold of the stupid and chivalrous which keeps women on their pedestals.

So you go ahead and keep make excuses for women--and only blaiming men--like other men have been doing for years. It's ironic that people here sound more like feminists than the feminists themselves.

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"And the moderate feminists/women, the kind that say to themselves "I'll take those feminist privilages if they come easily, but otherwise I don't mind", don't have the will to stand up to the more militant feminists."

I agree to some extent, although I think you underestimate how many women would be on our side if they had the right kind of information.
Anyway, if men had the same opportunities, do you think they wouldn't take them? It's called human nature. People take privileges if they are offered to them.
But there's a difference between some small privileges and what's going on over there with murderers walking free etc.. I don't think most women would support that. We just need to get the info out.

What is probably a problematic group as a whole is homosexual women. They mostly have bad experiences with men and none of the really good (the ones in a relationship).

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It's well known which universities and guilds here accepted women, many by the way are older than your country. So don't tell me about what happened and what didn't.
All that ranting from you, and that NY Times article quote totally out of place. What a scientific source. I already know the article of course, and I agree with most of it (except the role stuff, roles are what keeps up crap like the draft). But it doesn't have anything to do with what happened in former times. In case you didn't notice, I didn't talk about now.

Well, really I don't give a shit what you think I am. What I am is someone trying not to be as 110% biased as most people over there seem to be at whatever they defend or denounce. Bullshit with little research behind it from one side, the same bullshit from the other, and the middle ground is supposed to be near the truth. No way, not with me, this isn't my style.

I'll tell you one thing though: I have observed how your feminist laws carefully get translated and exported. The discussion inside your society never is. Reading your post and realizing its rudeness, I have an idea why.

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Men have actually made sure that women have some of the same so-called "privileges" they enjoy while when given the chance women DO NOT return the favor. Men have an inherent way if thinking which lends well to looking at things objectively and through the lense of justice whereas women tend to think like selfish children.

The fact that you deny the overwhelming evidence which support this--that being the thousands of women that see daily ON THE NEWS, IN BOOKS, IN ACTUAL LIFE what is being done to men in the name of "women's equality" and do absolutely nothing about it--is more proof of your inability to accept facts and yet another nod towards your questionable identity. Awww I made you man now your calling everything a sham. Except your statement that women are not guilty; oh yeah you said all women are not guilty. They just watch it happen everyday and don't know. Boo hoo. That's called willful ignorance.

You don't like me? Who cares? I don't need any of the motherfuckers here to LIKE ME. This is not a popularity contest. It's about facts and honest communication between the sexes. For women--they have been lying to men(and themselves) for so long that I doubt many of them even KNOW how to tell the complete truth now.

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"Men have an inherent way if thinking which lends well to looking at things objectively and through the lense of justice"

Haha, right. You sound just like a feminist, only the other way around. I won't waste my time with extremists like you.

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you're obviously confused.

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Go whine about women being so-called "oppressed"--on the feminist site you came from--you little girl.


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I wouldn't be posting on this site if I thought women were oppressed, now would I.
As I said, you're confused. And that's my last word on this, everyone can see it anyway.

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...does not necessarily mean you never thought women were oppressed(which they were not at least no more than the men serving them--and giving them preferential treatment--for years. Women steal, lie and deceive to get ahead, not all but a good majority of them). It means you want equal rights for men, some MRAs even "believe" in the sham(The Big Lie) that is feminism. It's a diversified bunch with their own beliefs and such...much like the human race you know? You really are THAT dumb aren't you?

Women come to sites like this posing as males all the time. They spew a little "women are suffering too" here and there to try to curb the angst--and belittle the nonsense--that women have created/nurtured in the world through deceit and treachery. It never works though so get to stepping you weakling.

This will be my last post to you WOMAN.


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