"Mothers File International Complaint Against United States"

Story here. Excerpt:

"For more than 30 years U.S. judges have given custody or unsupervised visitation of children to abusers and molesters putting the children directly at risk," says Dianne Post, an international attorney who authored the petition. "These horrendous human rights violations have been brought to the attention of family court systems, and state and federal governments, to no avail. We turn now to international courts to protect the rights and safety of US children."

I might agree with the quoted attorney's sentiments, but I think she got the sex of the offenders wrong in way too many cases...

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First they ignore you, (1980 - 1990)

then they ridicule you, (1990 - 2000)

then they fight you, (2000 - ?)

then you win. (?)

It's nice to see that we're in the final stage already. It sure took long enough, but it does mean that we're making progress. Attempts to criminalize male speech, to cast ALL men as rapists and abusers in a very real sense rather than the traditional academic nonsense, blaming men only for women's lower earnings, these are all to be expected - they're the only bludgeons left in the feminist armory.

As for the nonsense the manhaters are spouting this week (as they conveniently ignore the fact that women are more likely to harm children than men and that women are more likely to commit an act of domestic violence), oh, boo-hoo, women only get awarded custody of both the children and a male slave to pay for them 85% of the time when they elect to divorce that slave (or rape him, or steal his sperm without consent), and that number is falling every day. Remember that to a feminist, 100% women still equals a female minority so it's no surprise that they're upset about not having everything they want paid for by men. They're entitled, right? At the very least that's what they're used to.

We should be filing a counter-complaint about debtors prisons for men only. Or a justice system and laws that reward false accusers and punish innocent men. Or sexist drafts. Or neglect of men's health issues. Or no funding for one gender's political activities. Or unequal access to education. Or workplace fatalities.


I guess feminists are upset about their absolute, iron-fisted control over reproduction and children finally being challenged. Maybe it's the threat of losing millions of male slaves who are beginning to wake up and smell the tyranny. Hence that laughable propaganda piece disguised as a documentary on PBS last year, followed by this little gem.

My response?

Too bad. You've been ruling the roost for far too long in matters of reproduction and child rearing, and it's time to learn how to share.

Men are human beings too, and we're perfectly capable of raising our own children - get used to the idea.

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Have you ever noticed how, when feminist totalitarians such as Post present their particular case, for requesting that the mother always be the custodial parent, that they wrap it in the cloth of "what is best for the kids"? What a charade..for these feminist pigs, what is obviously at issue is "what is best for the mothers".


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Unfortunately ax, pathological narcissists are like that. They often describe their endless demands for attention, special treatment and exceptions in terms that deflect responsibility onto others (i.e. "it's for the children", when anyone can clearly see that what they're really saying is that it's "for me").

Feminists only do feminists - they don't give a damn about anyone or anything else.

Racists are also very keen on this strategy. It seems to be a common element in hate movements.

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