"Advice Goddess" sticks up for men

Read it here, it's beautiful. Amy Alkon is syndicated in over 100 newspapers in the US. Excerpt:

'Warped thinking like yours makes me realize how lucky I am to be a woman and white as typing paper. Although I recently got stopped by a cop for going the wrong way on a one-way street (he rolled his eyes and let me go when he realized I wasn't drunk, just ditzy), I'm generally safe from automatic presumptions of criminality like Driving While Black or Living And Breathing While Male.

Here you are, parroting this outrageous man-bashing propaganda — "one in four women reports having been raped or molested during childhood" — maybe because you heard it repeated so often you assumed it was fact. This figure is a common misquote of a survey by radical feminist sociology professor Diana Russell. Although Russell presents herself as a truth-seeking social scientist, her work reflects a substantial bias against men, as evidenced by her claim, based on one of her studies, that "a considerable amount of marital sex is probably closer to the rape end of the continuum."
My advice to you? Pick up Christina Hoff Sommers’ Who Stole Feminism? to get a better idea of the damage done by radical feminist activism tarted up as serious science.'

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"My advice to you? Pick up Christina Hoff Sommers’ Who Stole Feminism? to get a better idea of the damage done by radical feminist activism tarted up as serious science.'"

Excellent book, as is "The War Against Boys". Sommers has a new book "One Nation under Therapy: How The Helping Culture is Eroding Self-Reliance." I plan to buy a copy, though I don't believe its gender related.


For all the mothers that check out this site, and the mothers of all the men affiliated with this site: Happy Mothers Day! Its important to appreciate the necessity of a strong family unit. (Mothers and Fathers)

p.s.s. I sometimes discuss gender issues with my mother. She told me an interesting story about a feminist coming to my home when I was very young. This feminist was passing out literture door to door. My mother told this woman to stop complaining and find a man. (I'm not kidding!)



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Interesting stats about the pay gap mythology from that wage gap article we were discussing a few days ago (always refer to it as the "earnings gap" - it pisses the feminists off something awful when they realize that pay has to be EARNED):

When we asked if they were currently affected by the wage gap, only 50% of Boomers; 40% of Generation X; and 38% of Generation Y businesswomen responded "yes".

Translation: feminist mythology is becoming less and less effective with each successive generation as women FINALLY learn to take a bit of responsibility for themselves, but the decay rate is slowing. We need to work like mad to keep the flames up under the manhaters, guys!

As for Mother's Day? Please wish your lovely mother a Happy Mother's Day from me too, anthony. She sounds like a fine woman. My own mother decided to become a radical feminist in the 60's and was terribly abusive towards all of the men in her life as a result. I converted her to a human rights activist less than 15 years later, long after I'd decided to pursue men's rights.

In cases like mine this is also a good time to ask dear mom why she didn't do more to stop the flood of hate directed against her son(s), brothers and husband. Or even worse, why she joined the manhaters.

To those mothers who support us or who generally ignore feminist nonsense, I wish them a very Happy Mother's Day.

The others owe us some answers.

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That the woman writing to Amy for advice interpreted her (divorced dad) boyfriend's wish to have a private phone conversation with his daughters as a sign that he was a sexual predator is truly revealing.

It shows how the toxicity of feminism and its criminalization of maleness in the our culture and media has percolated down into the most ordinary daily activities, like a man making a phone call to his daughters!

I love "little" anecdotes like these that prove the pervasiveness of misandry and how the gender wars have poisoned male-female relations.

The growing men's movement and marriage strike start to make a lot of sense when you read these ordinary tales...

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I've read a dozen or so of A.G.'s entries, in the local third-rate postmodernist rag that every large city seems to have. I have seen instances where she all but outright attacks men who have either written to her themselves, or were referred to in letters from their partners (for example, she may attack a man's "maleness"). Maybe this lady's way of "balancing" her views, it to alternately go on the warpath first against men, then against an individual man, then against those who mistreat them/him. Maybe she is even a manic-depressive of some sort.


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Don't give her a pathology. If you attribute a pathology to a female that pathology becomes an excuse for her behavior. I know, assigning a pathology to a male has the opposite affect and garners further disdain.

Manic-depressive is practically a license to kill for a woman. Why would you want to hand over that kind of power to her?

Remember women have victim power, so anything that can be spun to make them a victim of anything - even their own minds (ask Andrea Yates) is empowering to them. So if she can't control her moods, through some pathology then she's got a free pass to do whatever she likes.

For the love of all things sacred please never pathologize a woman. Only ever call them completely coherent, sane and rational! Only under those circumstances are they vulnerable to general criticism.

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I read about one half of O.N.U.T., it has a lot of validity but Hoff Sommers kind of put me off, with what is obviously her "right-wing toughness" coming out. For example in one chapter there is a part, which if I am reading it right, basically says it is okay for kids to be "tested" to see if they will be "winners" or "losers" in life, based on how they do in certain school athletic activities such as playing dodge ball. It is okay for athletics itself to have winners and losers, but it's not okay to foster the idea in a kid, that he/she will correspondingly be a loser in life.
Also in One Nation, she seems to basically regurgitate a fair amount of material from a couple of her other books. I think she's great overall, but if you are pressed for time, focus on Farrell.

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