Hillary is "Patriarchy in sheep's clothing"??

You may need to pick your jaws up off the floor after reading this, but there it is, in black and white. Excerpt:

'Hillary, by contrast, seems to want to be more like a man in her demeanor and politics, makes few concessions to the social demands of femininity, and yet seems to be only a partial feminist. She seems above us, exempting herself from compromises women have to make every day, while, at the same time, leaving some of the basic tenets of feminism in the dust. We are sold out on both counts. In other words, she seems like patriarchy in sheep’s clothing.'

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Comedy relief from Hillary-itis to be found here.

'But back to Hillary. Ponder Hillary using her Chicago accent, then her New York accent, then going hillbilly and Black Female Preacher, rounding her vowels, then twanging them hard, all within the span of few minutes.

Just ponder that one, if you will.

It might help if you had a whittling stick, and a rocking chair and a blue-tick hound sleeping at your feet, perhaps with flies on his behind, maybe a jug. But I didn't have those, neither.'

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I don't know if it's my browswer settings, but I cannot go to the link given.

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I can't get to the link either.


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Well, to take the easy path, let me just cherry-pick this feminist professor's memoir from last week ---

“We sat around the dinner table, a group of 50-something progressive feminists…”

Already this smacks of a fictional go-girrrllll wet dream. That’s 40 more women than attended NOW’s last national conference!
And 37 more lesbians!

“And millions of us fought (and continue to fight) these battles wearing lipstick, skirts and a smile: the masquerade of femininity we are compelled to don.”

Babe, I hate to break it to you so late in your shelf-life. The warranty on your desirablity has expired. You can stop the masquearade… The market value of your old kitty kat is pretty close to zero. Maybe you need to go see "The Vagina Monologues" for a third time? You are not compelled to do anything, though an occasional douche would be appreciated. Then, since you’re liberated, it’s all good, right deary?

“We want what feminism began to fight for 40 years ago—humanizing deeply patriarchal institutions. And, ironically, we see candidates like John Edwards or Barack Obama—men—offering just that. If Hillary Clinton wants to be the first female president, then maybe, just maybe, she should actually run as a woman.”

Oh--my--god … “humanizing deeply patriarchal institutions?” I smell a C+ women’s studies major with tenure still trying to overcome penis envy!

"Susan J. Douglas is a professor of communications at the University of Michigan and author of The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How it Has Undermined Women."

Thank gawd she's not an actual scholar at a respected university.

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Try again. Possibly the link was getting so much traffic the server couldn't return the page.

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In a group, i.e. three old fem-hags drowning their sorrows in margaritas while their daughters screw the entire lacrosse team without the media attention. (Smart moms make smart girls!)

Something about the math of 50 feminists in a row just did not add up.

I stand corrected.... by meself!

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Was that a crude reference to Bill's manhood?

Because it is becoming pretty clear that Hillary has the extra testosterone, and Bill is just going down to lick err... lift up her clectoral potential.

This is a very sad country, when working people have to witness these criminals and fools every day.

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Feminists don't do math - it's too "reality-based". That's why 4 out of 1 women are currently being raped according to feminist literature, and they only earn 0.00077% of what men do!

Obama's not black enough. Hillary's not female enough. The Democrats scare me as much as the Republicans these days.

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In spite of all the feminist groups complaining about how Hillary doesn't meet all their expectations, in the end who do you think they're going to vote for? Another man? After all Hillary is the only woman running, and she is the closest match to what they are seeking. Unless they are immensely stupid and give write-in candidates, to "make a statement", virtually all of them are going to vote for her.

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What bullshit. Clinton is a feminist through-and-through. Look at her demeanour, her shameless flaunting of the gender/women's card, her contempt for male voters (see her "Wage Gap Calculator")... She's going to push through a lot of anti-male laws and policies, just as her (manipulated) husband did in the '90s... Please don't delude yourself to think otherwise... Or swallow the mainstream media bull - which the above-linked article by Susan Douglas is...

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