Chemist's Screw-up Nets Rape Conviction for Innocent Man

Spartacus and an Anonymous User sent in this NY Times article (free registration required) about a false accusation of rape. Anon User writes "This story is about an Oklahoma man who has been freed after spending 15 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit. According to the story, a police chemist's testimony led to the man's conviction. An investigation into all the chemist's findings since her hiring has been initiated. That's the good news. The bad news is that her conclusions have resulted in at least 11 executions of men over the years. In the words of the now-liberated Oklahoma man: "The citizens of Oklahoma County have been duped. The juries have been lied to for the last 20 years. There are going to be a lot more victims.""Source: The New York Times [newspaper]

Title: Flaws in Chemist's Findings Free Man at Center of Inquiry

Author: Jim Yardley

Date: May 8, 2001

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