RADAR ALERT: I-VAWA Would Worsen a “Repugnant Violation of Fundamental Rights”

Domestic violence laws have been shown to be completely ineffective in stopping partner abuse, but highly effective in violating civil liberties, destroying families, and depriving children of their fathers.

Recently the Law on Gender Violence in Spaincame under scathing criticism from chief judge Maria Sanahuja, who said the law has brought about the “massive detention of men for scarcely any reason” which she condemned as “characteristic of totalitarian countries” and “a repugnant violation of fundamental rights.” See the judge’s comments here.

Two weeks ago we asked you to contact Senator Richard Lugar to speak out against the International Violence Against Women Act, a law that would export the U.S. Violence Against Women Act to countries around the world.

This week, we are asking you to contact Senator Lugar again, highlighting the massive civil rights violations that domestic violence laws are causing, both in the United States and abroad.

Please keep your message polite and short. Something like “Please speak out against I-VAWA, so the civil rights of the innocent are protected” is fine.

TODAY, please call or send a fax or e-mail. Here’s Senator Lugar’s contact information:
Phone: 202-224-4814
FAX: 202-228-0360
Email: senator_lugar-at-lugar.senate.gov

Our effort 2 weeks ago generated thousands messages to Sen. Lugar. Can we top that number this week?

Date of RADAR Release: March 26, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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..when, some time ago, I wrote about the new laws the Zapatero administration introduced, that allow electronic surveillance merely because of unproven allegations. This wasn't reported on the net in English, but it was in German.
Something needs to be done about the language barrier.

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