"Anti-Rape" device set to hit market in South Africa

Article here. I wonder if anyone has considered that a woman could use this on someone who believes the sex is consensual with equal ease? Excerpt:

'The controversy has raged over whether the device, which has fish-like teeth that attach to the head and shaft of the penis, is a medieval device built on a hatred of men or whether it is an easy-to-use invention that could free millions of South African women from fear of rape.'

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Can't say I blame the women for wanting such a device, but I wonder whether it could backfire and result in their deaths. Perhaps it would have a good deterrent effect, but it seems that it could also result in angry (and impaled) rapists trying to (literally) cut their way out of the mess and then killing the women. Also, wouldn't rapists just perform a search first?

As mentioned, the device could also be used as a weapon against husbands and boyfriends, but then again men can be assaulted in other ways as well.

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"Can't say I blame the women for wanting such a device, but I wonder whether it could backfire and result in their deaths."

Imagine a device that caused women's genitalia injury and/or excruciating pain if she committed an assault on a man-- or something that could be an assualt, but may not be, such as giving him a hug. How about a substance a man could spread on his penis or any part of him for that matter that caused pain and injury to someone else if it made contact with anyone for whatever reason. Let's say he used such a substance or device as a precaution against some kind of attack? Now, is this a justifiable thing to do?

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I see this device as more of a weapon than a preventive measure. Obviously rape can't be tolerated, but destroying a man's civil liberties is not the solution. The harsh reality perpetuated by society: female gential integrity far supercedes that of a male's. Western culture has determined one is more important than the other.



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Now women will be assaulted by a table leg or some other blunt instrument FIRST to "check" for these devices.

What if they spring while there's no male present? (sneezing, etc). Does it spike the poor woman involved?

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First off, women are not forced to wear this device. These "poor women" are being re-educated by a western/feminist influence. This thought process is becoming more prevelant throughout the world. The basic philosophy...man is bad....woman is good/victim. This demonizes males and also creates gender barriers. Women manipulated with the fallacy...men are the enemy. Many don't realize the negative affect feminism has had on women. Anyway, a torture device? This is nothing more than feminist's wet dream.. Women have become so hyper-senstive. All women unite!..they must defend themselves from the "Big Bad Male".


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RE: First off, women are not forced to wear this device. These "poor women" are being re-educated by a western/feminist influence.

No, but once word gets around that these things exist, expect to see WORSE violence against women out there, as other objects are used to "clear a path".

BAD BAD idea.

Something along the lines of PETA putting orange jackets on wildlife so they won't get shot. Hunters easily saw the jackets, leading to an increase in the deaths of deer.

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