UK: E-petition for split custody on Downing Street website

I've posted an e-petition on 10 Downing Street's Website (UK) asking for the government to change the UK law so that when a relationship breaks down like in most of Europe the law presumes that custody is split. At present Uk law states that children automatically go to the mother. This is sexual discrimination enshrined in the law.

If the law said children went to the father instead I'm pretty sure women's groups would be up in arms, or if the law stated that certain jobs weren't open to women can you imagine the uproar! And rightly so. If the law were changed women would be more protected form less than enthusiastic fathers, grandparents would have greater assurance of seeing their grandchildren, fathers could be proper fathers instead of every other weekend. Above all children would be allowed the opportunity for balanced parenting and good male role models.

At present unless the mother agrees to split custody then THERE IS NOTHING a father or child can do to reverse this. Even when the child is 12 and the court will listen to their wishes more fully the expense of a court battle looms and it is unlikely that the court will force the issue leaving children in the impossible position of having to hurt one parent.

Please, look at the full petition, sign it if you agree but above all I'm trying to create a chain letter effect. So please put it on any forum you can, e-mail everyone you know and ask them to pass is on, tell everyone you know. Quite frankly any male reading this could be a victim of this discrimination in the UK at some point and many women will see the rough end of it too when new realtionships are being damaged by contact issues from previous ones or they have grand kids they can't see.

Come on folks, together we can make British culture change. If the law changes most people will follow the lead it gives.


Ed. note:
From the site: 'You must be a British citizen or resident to sign the petition.'

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