Teacher "had sex with" five students

No mention of stat rape in this article. Excerpt:

'CLINTON, South Carolina (AP) -- A middle school teacher accused of having sex with at least five boys -- some of them students at her school -- was arrested, authorities said.

Police began investigating Allenna Williams Ward, 23, after school officials recovered a note containing inappropriate messages, said Clinton Public Safety Director John Thomas.

Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at various locations, including in the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant, from December to this month, according to arrest warrants.'

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Plea deal time again.

House arrest for a year and moderate probation afterward?

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I mean, I know where you are coming from, I am pretty sure you are right that she'll plea it away to almost nothing, but shouldn't that piss us off?

Shouldn't we demand justice for our sons? Shouldn't we teach our sons that being some whores human dildo is not something to be proud of?

Shouldn't we teach society that our sons suffer from this kind of behavior and they learn all the wrong things about how to form relationships and behave around women?

Shouldn't we start teaching women what men have learned for all of time - that the opposite sex is not a sex toy for your pleasure to be thrown out when you are done?

This woman is a serial rapist pedophile. Imagine what would happen if a man had slept with 5 teen girls, some his students and some their friends. He'd probably get life.

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Sure! You are right! Everyone should be "pissed off" about this pedophile and how because she is a female she will probably get away with it.

But these stories are becoming quite the norm and frankly I have given out of "piss."

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.... and it's up to us to make sure that the same sentiment is generously extended in the name of equality to female rapists and pedophiles.

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Why didn't this sorta thing happen to me when I was in high school? I would have thought it was awesome. I bet the alleged "victims" thought it was awesome too. She has decent looks. I can just imagine the guys now, strutting around the high school feeling like studs.

If you guys want to become sophists like the Feminists you can try to pretend that they're "victims" (and no one will take you seriously if you try to use this as an example of discrimination against men), or you can accept reality. I don't know any of the details of the story, but I suspect that the guys really enjoyed it and don't regard themselves as victims.

I don't think that the men's movement is advanced by blatantly denying reality and claiming that these guys were raped against their will when in all likelihood they savored every moment of this treat.

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The crime of sexual assault does not require violent, forcible intercourse as a predicate. Statutory rape is a crime because underage children cannot consent. The fact that the boys who were molested might not view themselves as victims doesn't change the fact that they were victims of a crime against them.

They all "wanted it"? Where have I heard that before?

There's a reason why male victims of sexual assault and molestation have been shown to go through precisely the same emotional and other difficulties as females afterwards. There's a reason there are laws against people in positions of power raping and molesting those in their care.

Or shall we repeal all laws against statutory rape and legalize assaults of underage boys (but not girls of course - they're delicate little flowers) just to make you happy? Is it just teachers that you want to allow to have sex with boys in their care, or does this go for priests, boy scout leaders, nuns and sports coaches, too? After all, I'm sure their potential victims "wanted" it, according to your logic. Ever wonder why we don't allow minors to engage in contracts? It's the same reason we don't allow them to consent to sex with their teachers.

I'll bet your opinion would be a bit different if a male teacher did this to your daughter, or if a teacher of either gender promised your son straight A's if he let the teacher fuck him. Double standards are a bad idea, WhipperSnapper.

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