Women's Health Office Funds Cut

Story here. Excerpt:

'The office funds research on male-female biological differences to ensure that women receive the most appropriate drug doses and treatments.
"We fear this is the first step toward eliminating the Office of Women's Health," Nolan said. "We must not allow this office to be eliminated or reduced to an empty shell that has no program funding."

Office of Women's Health? I would accept her complaint if an "Office Of Men's Health" was ever implemented.

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I refused to sign up, but this is what I had written...

"....a recognition that other offices within the FDA did not have the time, money or expertise to focus on women's special needs."

Considering the fact that women, on average, out live men by 6-7 years, and get far more funding and "attention" than men - you'd think we'd have an Office of Men's Health !!!

oregon dad

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Women's Health Hoax

"Twenty-some years ago the mavens of medical misfortune sounded their shrill alarm.

Hillary Clinton lashed out because of the “appalling degree to which women were routinely excluded from major clinical trials of most illnesses.” Marcia Angell, then editor of the august New England Journal of Medicine, pronounced this lament: “There is little doubt that women have been systematically excluded as subjects for study.” And Dr. Vivian Pinn of the National Institutes of Health wrote, “The exclusion of some women from clinical studies may sometimes be valid, but not all women all the time.”

Of course no one had ever bothered to actually compile the numbers, so they were unable to refute the claim. But everyone knew the male-dominated medical research establishment was interested only in prostates and male-pattern baldness, so the ladies’ claims rang true.

Now under the political gun, the NIH hastily created its Office for Women’s Health Research. In 1991 president George Bush (the first one) appointed cardiologist Bernadine Healy as director of NIH and gave her a mandate to break the patriarchy’s stranglehold on medical research. Feminists skillfully parlayed public outrage into research agendas and budget allocations. Millions were pumped into breast cancer research, and by 1992, National Cancer Institute funding for breast cancer reached $145 million. No one mentioned that the prostate budget that year barely topped $31 million."


"Today, the women’s health movement has become a multi-billion dollar interest group that tap-dances smoothly among feckless bureaucrats, chivalrous congressmen looking to woo the female vote, groups like the Society for Women’s Health Research lining up to take their cut, and media types desperate for yet another story to pander to their female readership."

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We fear this is the first step toward eliminating the Office of Women's Health," Nolan said. "We must not allow this office to be eliminated or reduced to an empty shell that has no program funding."

Sounds like these bureau_RATS are afraid the Office of Women's Health will be made equivalent to an Office of Men's Health if one actually existed. Too bad these jerks were too shortsighted to anticipate this eventuality. If an Office of Men's Health had been established at the same time the OWH was established then they would have that as a rationale to keep both funded.

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