Police exonerate man murdered by neighbor over molestation accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'We're confident this 2-year-old was not molested," said Capt. Gary MacNamara. "We are confident in our investigation that Mr. Edington did in fact kill Mr. James. We are as confident in our investigation that Mr. James did not molest the Edingtons' daughter."

MacNamara confirmed that investigators interviewed the girl but declined to release further details.

MacNamara also would not comment on whether the girl's mother would be charged. A molestation complaint was filed against James shortly after he was killed.'

Now why would the police be considering charges against the girl's mother? Making a false statement to police, perhaps, or maybe instigating murder?

In one fell swoop a man is murdered and another goes to jail for a long time for the crime he committed; qui bono? You have three guesses. I doubt you'll need more than one.

Let's keep an eye out for the follow-up on this one.

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She avsolutely instigated the murder. If it was not for HER claims (not her daughters) that the little girl had been molested then one man would still be alive and the other would not be behind bars. That deserves charges.

Plus filing a false police report to try and add credability to her lies. Charge her for that to.

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Sorry, but I don't agree.

This woman merely relayed her misunderstanding of what her two year old said. Maybe she's an idiot who's been brainwashed by all the feminists in the media, but that's not against the law. Talking to her husband is what she's supposed to do. He should have checked the whole thing out thoroughly before doing the proper thing - notifying or not notifying the police.

Filing the police report after this guy was dead was no doubt the idea of her lawyer, or her husband (a lawyer).

Then the police do their job and investigate the allegations. They did that.

The only idiot here is the husband lawyer who should go to prison for the rest of his worthless life, unless the wife was in on the killing idea or plan.

By the way, all I see in the article is that the police wouldn't comment on whether or not they were considering charging the wife, not that charging her was being considered.

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I agree with Dittohd's comment. The moral of this story is that vigilante-style justice is wrong, however emotional you might be about the alleged assault,because too often you are liable to get it wrong. We've seen it plenty of times in the UK with tabloid-generated hysteria about paedophiles.

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If I was in such a situation and someone had done something horrific like kill my son, I would wait until the system totally got through with her. Then the moment she got out of prison, then I'd kill her.

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Ok, so I get where you are comming from about the mother merely being a brainwashed idiot who over reacted and jumped to the wrong conclusion. I still disagree, but I get where you are comming from.

First, you sound like a traditionalist. with the whole she's merely a woman and she should have told her husband and it's his responsability to investigate before calling the police stance.

Screw that shit. I have no seen anything mentioning this woman being of diminished capacity. She is a perfectly sane adult woman who therefore should be expected to have common sence and reason just like every one else. SHE should have stoped to think for half a freaking second to decide wether or not this story of her daughters:

a) meant anything at all. 2 year olds do not have the same vocabulary or verbal skills as an adult and therefore cannot be taken literally on everything that comes out of their mouths. So the mother should have been reasonably expected to ask the daughter what "it" meant in the context of what she was saying "...put it on my nose and my belly" A simple, sweety what do you mean when you say 'it'? probably would have resulted in an answer other then 'pee pee'

b) When the toddler said "...came to me in the starry nights." the mother should have known instantly wether or not this man had ever been in the house with the 2 year old at night. If not, again, ask follow up questions to find out if the 2 year old means anything literally when she says that or if she is mixing two seperate things up. It could mean nothing at all or it could have been the toddler trying to impress her mother by remembering a nursery ryhme or something. 2 year olds don't always talk in coherent rational sentances.

All of this thought should have happened pretty instantly in the mothers mind. Women despite what most on this board seem to believe are capable of rational thought, and society should expect it of them.

We should hold women accountable when they cause disasterous situations like this. No more poor girl, she's lost her husbabnd and it was only natural for her to believe her 2 year old daughter knows enough about sexual molestation to verbalize it. Not poor her. She took real actions that resulted in the destruction of several lives and devestation to multiple families. The whole, she could have never foreseen the consiquences is no excuse. She should have known her husband well enough as a human being to know he would react emotionally and irrationaly to such news. SHE should have called the police. She should have done more to determine what the hell her toddler was saying.

She deserves punishment. I am not saying lock her up and throw away the key. I am not saying she is a bad person who intentionally did evil things. Not at all. But, just like drug users who kill people, or alcoholics who drive and kill people, she is ultimately responsable for her own extreme stupidity and is absolutely deserving of some serious consiquences.

We lock up good men by the tens of thousands for stupidity and lack of judgement all the time. It's time to hold women to the same standard.

Now, on to the credabilty issue. You are saying that if some one did something awefull to your sen you'd wait until they got out of prison an kill them. So, then does that give the family of the person you killed the right to kill you? If so, where does it stop?

I can understand why you sympathise with the woman in this case. You seem to lack as much good judgement as she does. Crime and punishment. Do the crime, and do the time. Once you do your time, your a free person again (well it should be that way anyway). The reason why we do not let victims decide punishment is they react emotionally and irrationally. Victims only duty after they have been the victim of a crime should be to forgive the person who commited the crime against them and get on with their life. You are not judge jury and executioner over anyone. No one is. That's why murder is illegal in the first place. No one has the right to take another's life. How you feel about it is about a crime that has happened to you or a loved one is as important as what was going on on an alien planet at the time the crime occured. Once you are a victim, you are no longer able to judge the situation objectively. Your imput should be limited to how your life has been affected and even then extremely limited.

The fact that you would hold a grudge for that long and seek revenge no matter how long it takes is not a good thing. It demonstrates that you are as emotionally weak as the woman in this case. You lack good judgement as you rely on base instincts and anger to guide your actions.

Perhaps we need to start calling men as weak emotioally as the men on this board think women are. You appear to be living up to the stereotype that has led to all men being labelled violent brutes and not worthy of trust. No one should be killing anyone under any circumstances.

Seeking revenge for wrongs - imagined or real it does not matter - led to the rise of feminisim. We will keep going round and round and round the same cycle of one totalitarion group replacing the last forever as long as we rely soley on anger hate and revenge as our guiding emotions.

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