Some mothers have had enough hugs

An excellent commentary from Christie Blatchford of the Globe and Mail (and CFRB radio) about murderous moms and the double-standards in society and government agencies. Excerpt:

"As a female friend of Frances Elaine Campione put it, this after Ms. Campione was charged on Wednesday with murder in the death of her two young children, "That mother needs a hug."

In that line, widely repeated in Toronto and national media outlets, is a telling clue to what is so wrong with much of what happens both in the nation's family courts and in its child-protection system -- the pervasive view of the female of the species as constantly nurturing (except, you know, when she allegedly kills) and as in need of constant nurture (hugs all 'round, no matter what)."

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One good point in this article was pointing out that taxpayer funded government agencies that are supposed to be looking out for the "best interests of the child or chilren" are really looking out for the self serving interests of the adult female. The adult female and her wants and needs are their main focus not the children's.

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Women are already the number one killers of children by a large margin even without taking abortion into account. When are we going to actually hold them to the same standards that men are when it comes to child rearing - as in zero tolerance?

People actually ask the question when a woman is involved "How does a murder charge reflect on her ability to be a good parent?"

This type of thinking has to stop! Women are adult human beings who are not only capable of thinking and making choices but are also worthy of being made to face the consiquences when they make really bad choices.

Equality for Women NOW! Equal resposabilites in society and equal sentancing for crimes NOW!!

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