CA Case Decision Advances Cause of Fathers

Marc A. writes "This decision (.pdf file) is a must-read. It just came down yesterday from the 2nd District Court of Appeal (Los Angeles) and overturns a disgusting decision by a dependency court judge, making it very clear how shocked the appellate court is a the lower court judge's attitude toward this potential father who wanted a DNA test before the child was permanently placed in foster care.

A drug-addicted mother couldn't care for the child, so the child was placed in foster care temporarily. Mother didn't give names of possible fathers, but later told Jesus H. he might be the dad. Jesus immediately comes to the DCFS, just before the child turns 1 and just before the court permanently places the child in foster care. DCFS refuses to let Jesus see the child but tells him to appear at the upcoming hearing. He did. Ultimately the court refuses him a DNA test, treats him like garbarge, and acts like he should have come forward sooner. Even the child's own attorney waffles on its position. Jesus appealed on his own with a handwritten notice of appeal. DCFS fought him and even tried to argue his notice was insufficient. The appellate court wrote this scathing decision reversing the judge's order and repeatedly quoting the judge to show how outrageous her reasoning was."

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