NH Men's Commission Supports a Gender-Inclusive VAWA

Concord, NH: The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men voted
last Wednesday to support efforts to make the federal Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA) gender-inclusive.

The resolution states: "The Commission on the Status of Men supports the
renewal of the Violence Against Women Act only if it is made
gender-neutral in language, intent, and application." Read on for the full press release.

State Men's Commission Supports Violence Against Women Act, With Changes

Concord, NH: The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men voted
last Wednesday to support efforts to make the federal Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA) gender-inclusive.

The resolution states: "The Commission on the Status of Men supports the
renewal of the Violence Against Women Act only if it is made
gender-neutral in language, intent, and application."

The declaration is one indicator of growing support for a grassroots
movement which aims to make VAWA funding available to traditionally
under-served populations. Awareness of the social problem of abused men
has increased significantly since the law was first enacted in 1995.

"Now that the Violence Against Women Act is up for renewal, we should
take this opportunity to make sure it serves victims based on need, not
on gender," said Commissioner Michael Geanoulis, who supported the
resolution. "Domestic violence organizations which offer full services
for men are few and far between, and they're struggling desperately for
funding to meet the needs of the community."

These needs are not currently being met by traditional service providers
in the granite state, which do not provide shelters for men or
equivalent services that are offered to women, according to Commissioner

The Commission's resolution supports making funds available on a
gender-inclusive basis, and does not call for a minimum percentage or
dollar amount to be allocated to services that focus specifically on

One local domestic violence organization which currently doesn't receive
VAWA funds is the NH chapter of Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE-NH). Lee
Newman, the group's Executive Director, said "Our organization serves as
proof that when services are offered which specifically target men and
other under-served victim populations, these victims will seek out the
help they need and are entitled to." SAFE-NH has received 1,580 calls on
their domestic violence helpline between October 2002 and December 2004.
1,117 of them were regarding men who were being abused.

The reauthorization of VAWA has gained the attention of many gender
equality activists, and lobbying efforts to make the bill
gender-inclusive have been led by David R. Burroughs, Esq, Legislative
Consultant for the Safe Homes for Children and Families Coalition

"Congress is receptive to our message in a way it was not five years ago
during the last VAWA reauthorization. We are hopeful that this time
around the Congress will vote not only to end domestic violence, but to
uphold the 14th Amendment requirement of equal protection while doing
so," said Attorney Burroughs.

Burroughs gained nationwide attention when his group raised the funds to
rent three public billboards for the summer in Delaware, home of VAWA's
primary sponsor, Senator Joe Biden. The billboards urge Senator Biden to
make the Violence Against Women Act gender-inclusive.

VAWA is undergoing legislative work sessions in the House and Senate
Subcommitties on Crime this month, and is expected to be voted upon this

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