Extremely shocking video of US Prisoner abuse

SacredNaCl writes "This link Direct
Download (81MB WMV format, right click save as)
provides a look
inside at some of the abuses occuring in our own US Prisons, primarily
against men. This footage is far worse than that coming out of Iraq &
Cuba. While I don't agree with all of their policitical views, the BBC did an excellent job in presenting their case here and it is definitely worth a look."

Click "Read more..." for more."If you haven't experienced it, you will be shocked
by the level of abuse, and in particular the means employed. Chemical
weapons in a confined area? You bet, every day occurance in US
Prisons. These are graphic pictures, this is not pretty footage,
and I guarantee that it is only barely scratching the surface of what
is really going on inside of the US Prison system today. It
also sheds new light on the claims made by Dr.
of the scalding, beating, and other torture he has suffered
while waiting over 8 years for trial, and the reasons for the Dept. of
Corrections refusing to release those tapes showing the incidents.

If there ever was an area of public spending that needed sunshine, this is it, we have over two million people pre-trial and post-trial as inmates in the criminal justice system in the US, more than 90% of them men. As long as the goings on are shrouded in secrecy, this kind of abuse will continue unchecked."

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