Fred on Maureen (and the Sisterhood)

Philalethes writes "Fred Reed's latest column does it again:

'Maureen [Dowd] is the resentment columnist for the New York Times. ... In a recent column, headed "Men Just Want Mommy," ... we have the eternal cry (at least it’s beginning to feel eternal) of the unhappy feminist: "The whole world can’t stand me. What’s wrong with the whole world?" ... Actually, what men very much do not want is to marry Mommy. The problem for Maureen is that she is Mommy: censorious, moralizing, self-pitying, endlessly instructive, and so achingly tedious that men find themselves thinking of moldy bath sponges.'

Actually, it's all pretty depressing, but it's good to get a laugh out of it now and then; thanks, Fred."

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