Men are broken, need fixing....

... or so says Ms. Beverly McPhail in this op-ed. Masculinity is so closely tied to violence, she reasons, that it must be re-invented for the good of all, most especially men.

Well perhaps she's right in a few senses-- men do suffer greatly from violence as being expected of them and as the targets of violence most of the time. But she utterly ignores the many acts of violence committed by women to pace those of men if not exceed them. More of the same, folks-- men are violent, women are not, men broken and inferior, women the model in all things and superior. More of the same.

The Houston Chronicle's summary of who she is is a bit lacking. Apparently she's more than a writer; she appears also to be a teacher of WST courses at the U of Houston as well; see here. The Chronicle's editor can be reached at

Ms. McPhail can be reached at

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