Fatal Fathers No.1 for killing pregnant women

SJones writes "The A&E Network is as I write this running a "Special Presentation" program called "Fatal Fathers" in which it promotes the sexist lie that fathers are the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women.

Here is their advertisement for this misandric propaganda:

"The death of Laci Peterson has captivated the nation--but it turns out that her tragic case is part of a much larger phenomenon supported by a frightening statistic--the leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder...by a spouse, partner, or ex. In this hour, we will examine this phenomenon and help shed light on a subject that is currently only whispered about. Includes interviews with leading experts and the words of a man who actually killed his pregnant wife."

If possible, write or call them and complain loudly. Get someone in person on the telephone if possible. I have searched their website and not found any available means of communicating with them. Here is all I found and it appears to be nothing more than a message board in which the offensive program is not even offered as an option."

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