The Kinsey Movie

frank h writes "I submit this article from WND because I'd like the perspective of this group. I rememebr reading excerpts from Kinsey's research when I was a kid hunting for some titillation in my mother's Good Housekeeping magazines. I really don't recall having much judgement on the value of the research, but I do recall his work being the justification for a lot of talk on sexual liberation. Here's the thing: the person attacking him is a woman named Dr. Judith Reisman. She wrote a white paper here In PDF Format, that appears, on a cursory inspection, to attack men as exclusive perpetrators of sex misbehavior.

More recent examination of sexual misbehavior now includes women as perpetrators, and it appears to me that Dr. Reisman still lives in the world where all evil comes from men, and so my analysis of her response to the Kinsey movie is that it is decidedly baised against men, and therefore specious."

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