3-Year-Old Ethan Faces Genital Mutilation

Acksiom writes "Ethan Azar, a 3-year-old boy in the midwest, is facing forced genital mutilation. His mother Camille, along with many men's genital integrity intactivists, is fighting hard in the courts -- of both judicial and public opinon -- to protect him from this lifelong sexual violation. Ethan desperately needs our help, and this case has tremendous potential to break through the Lace Curtain of bigoted silence and censorship surrounding male genital mutilation in particular and men's issues in general. Initial media response has been more positive than any previous case which I can remember, so let's EXPLOIT THE OPPORTUNITY! Get ACTIVIST, and contact everyone you can think of -- help tear down this Curtain, for little Ethan and for boys and men everywhere!"

Ed. Note: Some links on this topic: FreeRepublic article, NBC article,
Columbia Tribune article

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