Can Gender Be Socially Constructed?

Ray writes "Can Gender be socially constructed as women's studies programs teach on our college campuses? Wendy McElroy writes about the life & death of Bruce Reimer, a boy whose botched circumcision led to medical science's failed attempt(s) to literally, physically, (and mentally) transform him into a girl, Death By Theory The gender controversy that raged around (and in) his life, rages to this day. School Debates Difference Between Gender & Sex Should children as young as elementary school be allowed to choose their "gender" as California law advocates? Letter From CA Dept. of Ed Have steps to protect the rights of homosexual children created a climate of “politically correct heterophobia,” that threatens the rights of heterosexual people not to be "harassed" by the gay, lesbian and transgendered agenda? In this whole debate, is the right to be a heterosexual male the one sexual construct that is being left totally out of the equation? The issue appears to confront a number of perspectives as wide ranging and intritcate as the topic of human sexuality itself. California law purports to be seeking an enlightened perspective. However, is the current California attempt to define human sexuality in an all encompassing benevolence, yet one more example of the “tyranny of tolerance” that has for decades worked so aggressively to belittle and humiliate all things associated with heterosexual maleness as unacceptable oppression of the “privileged patriarchy?”"

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