Hating men is weird

Article here. Excerpt:

'I love being a guy.

My masculinity is something that I grew up being ashamed of expressing, growing up in a more conservative household. As a transgender man, I was in denial of it for a long time, and the day I decided not to be anymore felt like coming home from a decade-and-a-half shift of work where I could finally take off my shoes and rest. Nowadays, I take a lot of pride in the guy that I get to be and am growing into as well as the fact that being masc is no longer an evil, life-destroying specter looming over me.

All of the above are among the many reasons I refuse to get TikTok. A lot of more liberal spaces on the app — even (and especially) Queer spaces — tend to have very negative rhetoric around men and masculinity. Phrases like “kill all men” or “all men are trash” are common to hear while online. This has extended to in-person talking habits; if I had a dollar for every time I’ve had to grit my teeth and bear a friend saying something to this effect to my face, I might finally be rich enough to pay for law school.

The demonization of masculinity is nothing new to online Queer communities. Many butches and studs have reported facing discrimination and pressure to present less masculine in Sapphic spaces. Trans men and transmasculine people are either told that our trans masculinity isn’t real enough to be demonized like real masculinity, or that we’re traitors to our sex.'

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