"Why SheraSeven is not a female Andrew Tate"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women manipulating men for a more comfortable life (or even just to survive) is as old as patriarchy itself, being born from the disparity between men and women’s relative positions in society (‘The female Andrew Tate’: the new influencer dating doctrine is extreme – but I can see why it’s popular, 9 August). SheraSeven’s “dating doctrine” is apparently gaining popularity, and both the subject of this article and its writer, Kimberly McIntosh, rightly identify gendered power as relevant context. Men hold more privilege, money, status and agency. Women are perpetually required to adapt to and/or resist this oppression. Here, the focus is on heterosexual relationships. But there is a more sinister undercurrent that McIntosh fails to address.'

‘The female Andrew Tate’: the new influencer dating doctrine is extreme – but I can see why it’s popular

From this article:

'Shera advises women over the age of 25 to seek out and date older, affluent men and to actively play games to get them. This includes hiding your insecurities from potential partners and using reverse psychology to manipulate men, so you can imitate intimacy without the risk that comes with true vulnerability. For example, if you’re feeling jealous because a man you’re dating doesn’t pick up his phone, you should pretend you were calling for help with a flat tyre – but then had to get another man to step in. Once they’ve locked a man down, she argues, women should push for them to pay for all of their household bills and expenses. Men without money are “dusties” and not to be entertained.'

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