Protecting Traditional Masculinity: It’s not only okay to be a man, it’s necessary

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the face of shifting societal norms and evolving gender dynamics, it is crucial to preserve and protect traditional masculinity. While some argue for the dismissal of traditional masculine qualities, we must recognize the invaluable contributions and virtues that have shaped society for centuries. Traditional masculinity provides a foundation of strength, honour, and responsibility that is worth safeguarding, as it offers a compass for men navigating the complexities of the modern world. It is not only okay for men to be men, but it is also necessary. The Western world is taking a sharp turn on this topic, and we cannot let this catch up to our society.

A Source of Strength: Traditional masculinity embodies qualities that have historically served as pillars of strength. Men have been responsible for providing for and protecting their families, communities, and nations. By honouring these responsibilities, men have forged societies that thrive on stability and resilience.

Throughout history, traditional masculinity has been intertwined with courage and resilience. Men have faced adversity head-on, displaying bravery in the face of danger and perseverance in times of hardship. These qualities have been instrumental in shaping the world we inhabit today.'

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