VICTOR JOECKS: Why the left won’t offer a positive vision of masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Society would have more success turning boys into men if it provided a coherent definition of the term.

Men and boys are in crisis. Pick your statistic — high school graduation rates, incarceration rates, deaths of despair, college degrees. Females do better than males and often by a wide margin. But there’s scant recognition of this though it has been happening for decades.

Instead, boys hear that masculinity is toxic. In 2018, the American Psychological Association linked “traditional masculinity” with mental disorders.

The reason this is so hard for the left is that it requires acknowledging that men and women are inherently different. The vital push for equal opportunitiy morphed into a demand for equal outcomes. But if men and women have fundamental differences, they will have different priorities, interests and skills. That means equal opportunity won’t produce equal outcomes.'

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This article is in line with much of MRA thought.

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But that's not the problem.

The men and boys who are experiencing a crisis in masculinity are those men and boys who continue to reside in the anti-male culture that labels traditional masculinity as toxic, while demanding men and boys adhere to traditional male gender roles. These poor men and boys are living in a meat grinder of anti-male ideology.

Men and boys who have disengaged with mainstream society are not in crisis. They are moving forward into new world visions that accept them for what they are without misandry and blame, world visions that feminists and established journalists do not see or understand.

The crisis is not in masculinity. The crisis is in the failing anti-male cultures that men and boys have logged out. These cultures where men and boys are absent are cultures that are hollow, dried-up, childless and collapsing at an acaelerating rate.

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